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Nigeria and others are targeting $18 billion to fight HIV.

Nigeria and others are targeting  billion to fight HIV.


Stakeholders in the country made this clear at a pre-meeting in Abuja on Thursday for the Global Fund’s seventh replenishment, themed “Nigeria’s Call to Fight What Matters.”

According to them, the fund is needed to change the trajectory of mortality and morbidity in order to meet the Sustainable Development Goal 3 goal of ending the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria by 2030. .

punch announced that the United States will host the Global Fund’s 7th replenishment meeting in New York City on September 19, 2022, with the goal of saving 20 million lives from the effects of HIV, tuberculosis and malaria worldwide, pledging 18 billion It reports that the goal is to collect dollars.

At the meeting, Health Minister Osajee Ehanile said Nigeria will raise at least $18 billion in the 2023-2025 funding cycle to save 20 million lives and reduce mortality from HIV, tuberculosis and infectious diseases. He said it was in line with the Global Fund’s goal of lowering it. Malaria decreased by 65% ​​in her.

Headed by Health Minister Joseph Ekmankamma, Dr Ehanile said the fund would help put the world on track to end HIV, tuberculosis and malaria, especially in the most affected countries. .

“Nigeria also remains committed to contributing to the fund. The investment case shows a gap of 20% or $28.4 billion. without which investment case goals and 2030 health goals would be a mirage.”

He said the president, Maj. Gen. Muhammad Buhari, a veteran, has approved a National Health Insurance Authority law that offers several innovative strategies to raise income for health.

“This law provides a legal framework for achieving universal health coverage in a sustainable way using domestic resources. It also addresses vulnerable populations and leaves no one behind. We are committed to fulfilling our obligations to citizens by gradually investing in their health, education and overall well-being.

“I would like to take this opportunity to urge all donor countries to commit to increasing the resources available to the Global Fund through the 7th Replenishment Conference. The stakes are high. $18 billion is ambitious. But it’s the minimum amount the world needs to make a difference in its fight against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria.”

Also, Dr Gambo Aliyu, Director General of the National AIDS Control Agency, said more than $3.8 billion has been mobilized and invested in Nigeria through the Global Fund.

“With this replenishment, we are looking to reach our goals in addition to what we have been doing in the last three years, and we want to increase our goals. Aiming to raise to the dollar.

“Nigeria contributed about $12 million in the last replenishment and this time we want to see if we can match that, if we can add to what we have done and where we can go. increase.

“We want to ensure that we continue what we have started over the past three years. We reaffirm the worthy government commitment to the investment resources that have become available.”

US Embassy Special Envoy David Green says despite unrest, COVID-19 and deteriorating economic conditions, controlling the HIV epidemic and an AIDS-free generation are a reality for Nigeria thanks to access I went to a national HIV treatment service.

“Key partnerships with national and state governments, the Global Fund and UNAIDS have helped determine the systems and strategies needed to gain traction and overtake HIV,” said Green. , also supported by data from Nigeria’s HIV/AIDS Indicator and Impact Survey, to guide implementation decisions and targeted efforts in areas of high unmet need.

“Another key to this story is that in 2019 the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the Global Fund, and the Government of Nigeria will use our comparative strengths and resources to deliver patient-centred HIV services. It is a national coalition that has developed a collaborative strategy focused on leveraging the community.By coordinating the technical and financial resources behind a single national program, we will accelerate case detection. HIV identified and started treatment during the surge, even though it was at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The number of people testing positive has doubled, and no other country or HIV program in the world can claim this unparalleled achievement.

“Today, more than 1.8 million Nigerians with HIV are living prosperous and productive lives as they receive life-saving treatment. It’s not just about learning, it’s about best practices we’re adopting.

“However, sustaining this success will depend on our contributions to the Global Fund and all of us standing together to fight for what matters. But Nigeria still accounts for one in seven HIV-infected children born globally, and the race is far from over.”




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