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TB, HIV and malaria treatments have returned to pre-pandemic levels but are still off track

TB, HIV and malaria treatments have returned to pre-pandemic levels but are still off track


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Field visit at a tuberculosis clinic Karachi, Pakistan

The number of people on tuberculosis treatment will return to 5.3 million in 2021, approaching pre-pandemic levels of 5.5 million. Global Fund New ReportThis is a promising sign of progress after treatment plummeted to just 4.5 million in 2020, notes a report released Monday.

Overall, the new report shows that the fight against HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis is picking up steam after the pandemic plunged diagnostic and treatment levels for the world’s three biggest infectious diseases. I’m here.

HIV coverage has steadily increased, while tuberculosis and malaria coverage has declined in recent years. The decline in tuberculosis coverage is largely due to the disruption caused by his COVID-19 pandemic, and the decline in malaria coverage in sub-Saharan Africa is partly due to better targeting of mosquito nets. may be reflected in

HIV program disruption ‘less than initial concerns’

The world has missed all of its 2020 global HIV targets, including reducing annual deaths to below 500,000. But the report says this “could have been worse.”

Antiretroviral therapy disruption as a result of the Global Fund’s COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) for HIV Programs has been less than initially feared, says the report.

Global Fund C19RM has prevented serious disruption of HIV/AIDS programs.

Approximately 23.3 million people will be on antiretroviral therapy for HIV in 2021, a trend that continues to rise.

HIV prevention services reached 12.5 million people, including 5.8 million and 6.1 million young people in the most at-risk groups. It helped restore ground lost in 2020 when preventive services declined.

Globally, AIDS-related deaths have declined by 50% since 2010, to 650,000 by 2021. In terms of prevention, the decline in new HIV infections remains slow. compared to her 2.2 million in 2010. New infections remained flat and increased in some regions.

Pandemic affects tuberculosis

The recovery of tuberculosis treatment is particularly good news. The severe impact of the pandemic on the fight against tuberculosis. Resources for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 have exhausted those used for tuberculosis.

As a result, tuberculosis killed an estimated 1.5 million people in 2020, including those living with HIV. It was his first increase in a decade and derailed his efforts to cut tuberculosis deaths by 35%. Moreover, tuberculosis remains the leading cause of death for people living with HIV.

COVID-19 has also negatively impacted efforts to reduce the number of people with tuberculosis that go undiagnosed, untreated and unreported. Health systems missed nearly half of the people who contracted tuberculosis in 2020.

Tuberculosis treatment coverage has decreased in 2020 as a result of the disruption caused by COVID-19.

However, in 2021 there was a sharp turn.A few Last year, 5.3 million people were treated for TB and 110,000 for drug-resistant TB.

In addition, 395,000 contacts with tuberculosis patients received prophylactic therapy, and 283,000 HIV-positive tuberculosis patients received antiretroviral drugs.

The report says the recovery is thanks to US$159 million in funding in 2021 to support tuberculosis patients and the Global Fund’s programs in 20 high-priority tuberculosis countries.

“We are recovering from the losses of 2020 in the fight against tuberculosis,” it says.

Malaria Program Challenges Climate Change and Pandemics

In 2020, the number of deaths from malaria will be 12% compared to 2019an estimated 627,000. About 47,000, or 68%, of the 69,000 additional deaths in 2020 were due to service disruptions due to the pandemic.

Climate change has affected the geographic distribution of malaria parasite-carrying mosquitoes, disrupting malaria programs.

To mitigate the impact of COVID-19, the Global Fund and its partners have expanded their malaria program. They distributed mosquito nets door-to-door and made changes to seasonal malaria chemoprevention programs for children under five. They also increased community referrals and distribution of long-lasting insecticide nets.

The Global Fund and its partners have expanded malaria programs to cover losses during the pandemic.

As a result, 280 million suspected malaria cases will be tested in 2021, significantly improving efforts to ensure that all people with possible malaria are diagnosed.

Health workers have treated 148 million malaria cases and continue their recovery so that everyone diagnosed with malaria receives prompt treatment and prevents death.

Families have received 133 million mosquito nets to protect against malaria. In addition, 12.5 million pregnant women received malaria prophylaxis to keep pregnant women and their babies healthy.

Global Fund’s Rapid Response Mitigates Pandemic Impact

Through its rapid response to COVID-19, the Global Fund contributed more than $4.4 billion to fight the pandemic and mitigate its impact on the fight against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria, helping to reduce the overall impact of COVID-19. said to have helped slow downCountries are devoting more resources to prevention campaigns and purchasing personal protective equipment, diagnostics, treatments and medical supplies.

However, the Global Fund does not expect progress against the three diseases to meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030.

“Most countries battling HIV, tuberculosis and malaria are beginning to recover from the ravages of COVID-19, but to end these diseases by 2030, it is imperative to fully restore lost health. , we need to accelerate our efforts to get back on track.” Said Global Fund Executive Director Peter Sands.

Global Fund raises $18 billion to fund fight against three diseases

This report comes just before the Global Fund replenishment meeting US$18 billion for the next three-year program and grant cycle.

The funding is projected to save an additional 20 million lives between 2024 and 2026, Sands said. Strengthen health and community systems to strengthen pandemic preparedness.

Image credit: Uzma Khan, global fund.

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