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Study suggests negative effects of cannabis use during pregnancy on children

Study suggests negative effects of cannabis use during pregnancy on children


September 13, 2022

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Cannabis use during pregnancy may put children at risk for attention, social and behavioral problems, later mental health problems, and drug use, according to a study published in . JAMA Pediatrics.

co-authored David AA Dr. Balanger, A neuroscientist and postdoctoral fellow at the University of Washington in St. Louis said the study “raises a lot of questions” and that “cannabis is not benign.”


“The percentage of mothers who use cannabis during pregnancy has increased over the past decade or so as cannabis is becoming less criminalized, which is a good thing,” Ballenger told Healio. “But that’s what prompted the increase in this type of cannabis use. We’re working on this research because there hasn’t been much research into what the consequences of increased use may be.” That’s the main reason.”

Baranger and colleagues used data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study, which followed over 10,000 US children aged 9 to 19. As part of the study, the children’s mothers were asked about their drug use during and before pregnancy.

“We are using the answers to these questions as a measure of prenatal cannabis exposure,” Ballenger said.

Data reported show that 391 children in the study had a mother who used cannabis before learning of the pregnancy, 208 children had a mother who used cannabis after learning of the pregnancy, and the remainder had a mother who used cannabis after learning of the pregnancy. of 10,032 children had mothers who reported no exposure to cannabis during pregnancy.

Cannabis use during pregnancy was associated with persistent vulnerability to a wide range of psychopathologies throughout early adolescence, Balanger and colleagues reported, “potentially increasing the risk of psychiatric disorders and problematic substance use.” There is,’ he said.

Balanger said these associations did not change with age, but cautioned that the small sample size and the fact that the study was observational meant that causality could not be proven. Baranger said the next step would be to look at longer-term data in larger populations.

“Most effects in observational studies will be small because people aren’t randomly assigned to specific behaviors,” Ballenger said. But so far the effect is small and I’m 100% positive that it’s really the effect of the cannabis exposure itself and not something we had no control over. You cannot.

“I think this study highlights how little we know about the effects of cannabis on pregnancy.” There has been a great deal of research done on the effects of alcohol and other factors on pregnancy, but very little is known about cannabis and its effects.”




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