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Monkeypox can cause brain inflammation, says CDC

Monkeypox can cause brain inflammation, says CDC


9/14/2022 — The monkeypox virus can cause neurological complications, including inflammation of the brain, according to the report. new report Published by the CDC’s Monkeypox Emergency Response Team.

Public health officials have identified two cases of monkeypox-associated encephalomyelitis in previously healthy young men in Colorado and Washington, DC. Encephalomyelitis is a brief but widespread attack of inflammation in the brain. brain and spinal cord.

In these two cases, brain inflammatory symptoms developed between 5 and 9 days after the onset of monkeypox.

A patient in his thirties from Colorado first heatchills, Malaise,and rash It was positive for monkeypox. Nine days later, he developed progressive weakness and numbness in the upper and lower extremities on the left side of his body.He also had regular occasions with urinary retention and prolonged erections.

During hospitalization, a brain scan showed evidence of encephalomyelitis, a typical cause of brain inflammation Excluded. He was given tecovirimato, an antiviral treatment for monkeypox known as TPOXX. steroid inflammation and immunoglobulin An injection for his immune system. Since there was concern about spinal cord inflammation, plasmapheresis was also performed, and the symptoms improved.

After hospitalization, go to rehabilitation outpatient treatment I used the walking device for about a month. He was also referred to outpatient neurosurgery for an ongoing spinal cord inflammation problem, according to the CDC.

Washington, D., also in his 30s. Five days later, he had trouble controlling his body. defecation and bladder, and he had progressive weakness in both legs.

During the first 2 days of hospitalization, her condition worsened, with decreased attention and altered mental status. He was moved to the intensive care unit, where his brain scan showed evidence of encephalomyelitis. He also received tecovirimato, steroids, immunoglobulin injections, and plasmapheresis. He improved greatly thanks to plasmapheresis and after 5 sessions he was able to speak again and follow his instructions.

After admission, he was discharged to inpatient rehabilitation and used a walking device.He was given rituximab, a monoclonal antibody drug, for immunosuppression treatment.

In most cases, monkeypox is painful but not life-threatening, the CDC says. Typical symptoms include a characteristic rash, fever, Malaise, headache, and muscle pain.But some serious complications can occur, especially if someone is debilitated immune system.

On Monday, Los Angeles County public health officials said First U.S. death confirmed Caused by monkeypox. The person was severely immunocompromised.

On Tuesday, Los Angeles County officials reported the country’s first case of monkeypox in a healthcare worker exposed at work. los angeles times.

“We have identified a healthcare worker with monkeypox who may have been exposed to the virus at work,” said Rita Singhal, M.D., Chief Medical Officer of the Los Angeles County Public Health Department.

“This is the first case of monkeypox in a U.S. healthcare worker associated with workplace exposure,” she said.

Health officials spoke with the CDC about the matter, but did not respond to additional questions about the health care worker’s condition or how the exposure occurred, Singhal said. said it would share information on infection prevention, including guidance on personal protective equipment, with health professionals, stressing that the risk for health care workers “remains very low.”

Los Angeles County has reported 1,900 monkeypox cases, one of the highest in the United States, the paper reported. California leads the state with 4,300 cases, followed by New York with 3,700. Latest CDC data.

Globally, the United States has reported the most cases with 22,630, followed by Spain with nearly 7,000 and Brazil with 6,000. More than 59,000 cases have been reported in 102 countries, according to. Latest CDC dataincluding 19 deaths in 10 countries.




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