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Monkeypox cases in the United States are declining.There’s No One Reason

Monkeypox cases in the United States are declining.There’s No One Reason


In addition, there is little past experience in the United States of the vaccine known as Jynneos being used against the disease. It was only approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 2019This is primarily for the prevention of smallpox when a virus that has been eradicated from circulation by previous vaccines but retained in two laboratories is used as a bioweapon. Jynneos has undergone human safety studies but has not been tested for efficacy against monkeypox in humans.Those estimates are based on animal workNever before commercially available in the United States, it is instead kept in the National Strategic Stockpile as a safer alternative to older smallpox vaccines that can cause dangerous reactions in people with compromised immune systems. was released to the health department only. Rarely When an infected traveler accidentally brings the virus into the United States.

As a result, “given the mode of transmission we are dealing with, we cannot extrapolate the efficacy of the vaccine, which is very different from the mode of transmission we traditionally see,” said Limoine. says.

Of course, Jynneos is being administered everywhere now, but it’s too early to draw any conclusions about how much immunity these injections are producing. There was so much demand in the big cities that men queued for hours, online booking dashboards filled up in minutes, and clinics fixed their immunities for a second time to boost supply. In response, the White House proposed a dose-splitting strategy that would increase availability at the cost of requiring a different injection technique that some health care workers are unfamiliar with. Clinics in cities hit by the first wave, such as New York, now have thousands of them. new appointment Regularly A second dose is possible.

In fact, some areas may become oversupplied. “Our demand has dropped significantly,” says Philip Huang, physician and director of the Dallas County Department of Health and Human Services in Texas. “I have an appointment every day. I’m doing my second dose.”

The Department of Health made booking offers and vaccine quota requests based on a sense of how many men who have sex with men live in the community, so these open bookings were made available to all eligible for protection. It suggests that a person may not have received the vaccine. “We are still in the midst of an active public health emergency, a pandemic response, and our health department staff are tiredsaid Lori Tremmell Freeman, chief executive officer of the National Association of County and City Health Officials.

And at a briefing at the White House this morning, federal health officials acknowledged that these departments are cash-strapped to create campaigns, and in some cases are moving funds away from HIV and STD programs. We are paying and educating vaccination workers. “Our local governments have not received monkeypox-specific resources,” said CDC Director Rochelle Walensky. “That speaks to the need for supplemental funding.”




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