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When is the best time to get the flu vaccination?

When is the best time to get the flu vaccination?


Autumn is approaching in the United States. This means pumpkin spice lattes, sweater weather, and, unfortunately, flu season is back.

In the United States, the flu season usually begins around October and lasts through the fall and winter. Influenza viruses can spread all year round, but flu activity tends to peak from he-December to he-February and may continue into May. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Flu cases have dropped significantly over the past few years during the COVID-19 pandemic, but experts warn that the United States could enter a particularly bad flu season if trends in the Southern Hemisphere hold true. increase. NBC News previously reported.

Some fear a resurgence of both influenza and COVID-19, dubbed the “twindemic,” this winter.

What we know so far about this year’s flu season and when’s the best time to get a flu shot? We spoke to an expert to answer all your flu season questions.

What can we expect from the 2022-2023 flu season?

“It’s always hard to predict, but when you look in the Southern Hemisphere where winter is coming to an end, it’s clear that we’ve had a pretty serious flu season … also coming very early and peaking very quickly. We’ve reached it,” said Dr. Andy. Pekos, a virologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said today.

In the temperate regions of the Southern Hemisphere, influenza activity also peaks in autumn and winter (occurring earlier in the calendar year), with the influenza season usually lasting from April to September. CDCThis is a glimpse of what the US can expect.

“Using this as a sort of barometer of what to expect, you can imagine the flu coming back a little stronger than it has in years past,” Pekos said, adding that this also means that that flu season will be less severe in the United States. will start earlier than usual

One country causing concern in the Southern Hemisphere is Australia, and experts say this year’s flu season may not bode well for the United States.

“[Australia]has had a more severe flu season than in the last five years … with higher infection rates and higher hospitalization rates,” Dr Jennifer Lighter, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at NYU Langone, told TODAY in an interview. “Flu starts in the Southern Hemisphere … so we can also expect a tougher season than in previous years,” the writer added.

Experts also believe that reduced exposure to influenza virus during the pandemic caused a weakened immune system.

“With the flu not prevalent in the community in the last few years,[our]immune systems haven’t had a chance to be restimulated and boost antibody levels,” said the writer. We have lower immunity to the flu than in previous years, which is one reason why we expect this to be a more severe season,” the writer added.

Another factor is the lifting of restrictions due to COVID-19. Suppresses influenza and other respiratory viruses.

“During the pandemic, we actually saw little to no flu because of all the social distancing … The concern now is that now that we are opening up, as the saying goes, ‘usually “It’s going back,” and people are mixed,” Albert Ko, an infectious disease physician and professor of public health, epidemiology, and medicine at the Yale School of Public Health, said in an interview today.

“We dodged bullets in winter 2020 and winter 2021,” says Ko.

Luckily, there are ways to boost your immunity and protect yourself ahead of flu season. It’s the annual flu her vaccine that the CDC recommends for everyone over the age of 6 months.

Getting a flu shot is the most important step to protect yourself from the flu.

“It’s more important to get a flu shot this year than it has been in years,” said the writer.

according to CDCannual influenza vaccination is recommended as “the first and most important step in protecting against the influenza virus” and also reduces the burden of influenza illness, hospitalization, and death.

Before COVID-19, influenza was responsible for millions of cases. 10,000 to 52,000 dead It’s flu season every year in the United States, Pecos said. “It’s not trivial in terms of how much danger it poses to the population,” added Pekosh.

All flu shots for the 2022-2023 season are quadrivalent, according to the CDC. In other words, it protects against 4 different influenza viruses. These strains are selected based on what experts predict will be prevalent during flu season and are updated annually to provide the best possible protection.

“They have some data from Australia where more than 94% of the identified strains in individuals with influenza were caught with the latest flu vaccine. Sounds like a very good match.” said the writer. However, we can’t say for sure until the season is over and we have more data.

When is the best time to get the flu vaccination?

“Right now, September or October is the best time to get a flu shot,” Reiter says. “I know it takes weeks to get protection, but that protection lasts for months, so it’s best to get it this month or next,” the writer added.

As experts have pointed out, this year’s flu season may start earlier in the United States, which is another reason why you should get your flu shot as soon as possible.

“The bottom line is that you don’t want to wait to get the vaccine until your risk of getting the flu is already high,” says Ko. To get it, we want people to be vaccinated in September or October,” Ko added.

When is it too late to get the flu vaccination?

“Is it ever too late to get a flu shot? No,” said Coe. “If you’ve never had a flu shot, you should get one no matter where you are during the season…but of course, getting it before the season starts is the best protection,” Ko said. Told.

Influenza vaccination can provide protection even if received later in the season when flu activity peaks. to the CDC.

“As long as the flu is prevalent in your area, if no one got it in September or October, it’s always a good time to get it,” said Reiter.

Try to get it before November if possible. “Timing a flu shot is like the stock market rally. You don’t want to think about it too much. You just need to do it when you can,” he says Pekosz.

It is difficult to predict exactly when this flu season will end. “Since COVID arrived, we haven’t really had a typical respiratory virus season,” Reiter said, adding that based on pre-COVID trends, the flu season could end around April or May. He added that it is highly

Which influenza vaccines are available?

There are several types of influenza vaccinations. Appropriate vaccinations vary depending on age, health, allergies, and other factors. “It’s always good to talk to a primary health care provider who knows you well, knows your history, and knows any allergies you may have.

According to the CDCthese are the flu vaccines available for the 2022-23 season:

Standard dose flu vaccination: These vaccines are manufactured using inactivated (killed) influenza virus cultured in eggs and are recommended for everyone from 6 months to 64 years of age, including pregnant women, according to the CDC. increase.

nasal spray vaccine: This nasal mist uses a live, attenuated (weakened) virus and is approved for people between the ages of 2 and 49, but is not recommended for pregnant or immunocompromised people.

High-dose influenza vaccination: This egg-based flu shot contains four times more antigens than standard-dose inactivated virus vaccines and generates a stronger immune response in the body. According to the CDC, it is approved for individuals over the age of 65.

Adjuvant Flu Shot: It’s an egg-based flu vaccine approved for people over the age of 65 and contains an adjuvant that makes an individual’s immune response stronger, Lighter said.

Cell-based influenza vaccination: This flu shot contains virus grown in cell culture, so it’s completely egg-free and is approved for people 6 months and older according to the CDC.

Recombinant influenza vaccination: This is an egg-free flu shot made using recombinant technology that contains three times more antigen than a standard dose flu shot and is approved for adults 18 years and older, according to the CDC.

The most common side effects associated with seasonal flu vaccination are redness or soreness at the injection site, mild headache, fever, fatigue, and muscle aches. According to the CDC.

Another important note: You won’t get the flu from a flu shot, Pekosh said. Always ask your doctor if you have questions.

What are the effects of influenza vaccination?

Seasonal flu vaccination can prevent you from getting sick, reduce the severity of illness if you become infected after being vaccinated, and reduce flu-related complications in individuals with chronic health conditions. There is evidence that it is possible to prevent CDC.

“It’s keeping people out of hospitals and, as a secondary effect, reducing the number of flu cases that are present in the vaccinated population,” Pecos said. Ko added that it is also useful for

The efficacy of seasonal flu vaccines varies from year to year, but recent studies have shown that influenza risk can be reduced by 40-60% when most strains of the virus in the vaccine match strains circulating during the season. shown to be able to reduce According to the CDC.

There are no data yet on the effectiveness of flu vaccines for this upcoming 2022-23 flu season, but the writer noted that this will be available towards the end of the season or after the season ends.

Can I get the flu shot and the COVID-19 booster at the same time?

Yes, you can get your flu shot and new COVID-19 booster at the same time. TODAY previously reported.

“There’s no scientific evidence that you need to shoot at intervals,” Ko said, adding that sometimes it’s more convenient to take both shots at the same time.

“I recommend people get both at the same time…especially if they are one of the groups at higher risk for COVID-19 or the flu…older people, immunocompromised people, secondary people with medical conditions,” Pecos said.

There are flu antivirals available if you happen to get infected, Ko said, which is especially important for high-risk individuals. is the goal.

“When we think about public health, the most efficient way is to prevent illness, rather than waiting until people are sick and need to be treated,” Coe said. A vaccine is now available and people need to start now so their immune systems are optimally primed,” Ko added.




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