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Smartphone cameras and flashes could be used to measure blood oxygen levels in the future

Smartphone cameras and flashes could be used to measure blood oxygen levels in the future


Researchers have shown that blood oxygen saturation can be measured up to 70% using a smartphone’s camera and flash module. Although still in its early stages, this research opens the door to a future where users can easily access their smartphones to measure blood oxygen saturation.

A proof-of-principle study conducted by researchers at the University of Washington and the University of California, San Diego It was published in the magazine NPJ Digital Medicine. The researchers have applied for a patent for this technology.

To measure blood oxygen levels, study participants placed their fingers on a camera and flash module. Google Nexus 6P smartphone. With each heartbeat, fresh blood rushes to the flash-lit area of ​​the finger. The camera records video and measures how much light from the glass is absorbed by blood in three channels: red, green and blue.

Using this data from some participants, we trained a deep learning algorithm to measure blood oxygen levels from the values. We then validated the model with other participants. Not only did the technique accurately predict blood oxygen levels, it continued to do so when the research team lowered the blood oxygen levels of the subjects by giving them a controlled mixture of nitrogen and oxygen. .

there were some Previous research on SpO2 levels using smartphonesand some apps claim to do the same, but the aim of the new study was to validate these measurements across the full range of clinically relevant SpO2 values.

“There were some in the app stores in early 2020, but some were removed in the mid-2020s due to accuracy concerns. There may still be apps available, but they have been approved for medical use. None of them are marketed as fitness apps, rather than health apps, and these can be dangerous if users don’t understand the potential inaccuracies, so our We believe the research paves the way for possible improvements in accuracy in the future. on mail. Hoffman is a PhD student at the University of Washington.

The technology and configuration are currently being tested on only one smartphone model, but the researchers are optimistic that they will be able to use it on more types of smartphones in the future. “We haven’t tested enough phone models to validate the hardware limitations, so this is speculation, but we’re optimistic that the technique will work on modern smartphones where the camera and flash are co-located,” Hoffman said. says Mr.

Also, researchers had to change the configuration before taking measurements using smartphones, so the technology needs to be tested on a variety of smartphones before it becomes more widely used.

“If we want to be the first FDA-approved test for SpO2 on unmodified smartphones, we will conduct a larger study to validate a larger population and submit the data to the FDA for evaluation and approval.” We don’t have specific plans to conduct this research at this time, but we estimate that the entire process will take 18 to 24 months after the start of the new research,” Hoffman added.

The data collection portion of the study was done years ago when the Nexus 6P was the current model. Researchers COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) We had a pandemic, but it took years to see results. It then took another two years for the paper to go through the peer review process. Also, data collection methods are costly. This means researchers don’t have the resources to recollect data with a different model unless a follow-up study is performed.

Co-authors on this paper include Xinyi Ding, PhD student at Southern Methodist University. Eric Larson, associate professor at Southern Methodist University; Caiwei Tian, ​​who completed this study as an undergraduate at UW. and UW Professor Shwetak Patel. This research was funded by the University of Washington.




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