‘Night owls’ may be at higher risk of type 2 diabetes
- Early risers burn more fat while resting than those who are busy at night.
- Differences in how fat and carbohydrates are burned can affect disease risk.
- While you can’t completely change your chronotype, scheduling to match your chronotype may provide health benefits.
It has been said that “early risers catch worms”. But it’s mostly early risers who say that.
A night owl thinks, “Forget about the worms, go back to bed.”
If any of these feelings resonate with you, it’s probably your chronotypeor when you are most productive during the day.
If you’re an early chronotype (a so-called “early riser”), you’re more productive early in the day. Slow chronotypes, or “night owls,” are more productive in the afternoon.
Later chronotypes tend to have lower levels of insulin sensitivity and may be at higher risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Well, new
In this study, researchers used a questionnaire to divide participants into two groups, early or late, based on chronotype.
Participants maintained a low-fat diet for the study, fasted overnight, and were tested in the morning.
The test consisted of taking a blood sample and capturing respiratory gases after exercise.
The results suggested that participants with early chronotypes tended to burn more fat during both exercise and at rest than participants with later chronotypes.
Those with later chronotypes were more likely to get fuel from burning carbohydrates.
This is despite the fact that all participants, regardless of chronotype, received approximately 55% of their daily calories from carbohydrates and 30% from fat (with less than 10% saturated fat).
These results were independent of each individual’s fitness level or energy expended during exercise.
So, whether you’re very physically fit or expend a lot of energy during exercise, your chronotype can affect the type of fuel your body prefers. .
There is an important difference here. circadian rhythm and chronotype.
Circadian rhythms can change to some extent, but not for chronotypes.
“The time we are actually awake is our circadian rhythm. Our circadian clock determines when we wake up and when we sleep.” Dr. Artif HusseinProfessor of Neurology and Chair of the Division of Epilepsy, Sleep, and Neurophysiology at Duke University School of Medicine in North Carolina.
“The ideal time for you to be productive is your chronotype,” Husain told Healthline. Your rhythm can force you to behave differently than your chronotype, and that’s where the problems start.”
Where do our chronotypes come from?
“Chronotype is determined by our genetics and to some extent by our environment.” Dr. Stephanie M. Stahla physician in sleep medicine at Indiana University Health, told Healthline.
Our chronotypes are generally not as extreme as you might think.
“Yes, some people can do it at 10 p.m., but when we talk about late chronotypes, we are talking about productivity from noon to 4 p.m. And get the most important things done ASAP and out of the way,” Hussein explains.
“We often refer to ourselves and others as ‘early risers’ and ‘night owls,’ but what’s missing is that the majority of us are somewhere in between,” he says. added.
The difference in health trends between early and late chronotypes may be explained by burning either fat or carbohydrates, but not only.
“The problem is, night owls have to live in an early riser world where work starts at 8am and ends at 5pm. I am chronically deprived of sleep,” said Husayn.
So what do night owls do?
“In addition to changing your routine, you can change your light exposure, which may help you adjust to your schedule,” Stahl said.
“For most people, exercising within an hour before bedtime can have a negative impact on sleep. Treating these sleep disorders may reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes,” she added.
“Waking up early in the morning and exercising at 6 am every day does not make you an early riser. Understanding and striving to live healthily within your own ecology will be a better way.” Hussein said.
“If you’ve done everything reasonable in terms of trying to optimize your sleep health and wakefulness health and you’re still not feeling well, seeking medical help is the way to go,” he added. I got
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