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JDRF Launches Type 1 Diabetes Index, Health News, ET HealthWorld

JDRF Launches Type 1 Diabetes Index, Health News, ET HealthWorld


JDRF Releases Type 1 Diabetes Index

New York: JDRFMore announced the launch of type 1 diabetes Index (T1D index). The T1D Index is a data simulation tool that measures the human and public health impact of his T1D crisis in all countries around the world. To date, there have been significant gaps in data on the incidence and impact of T1D. Leveraging data and insights from the T1D Index to identify achievable country-by-country interventions, such as timely diagnosis, accessible care, and funding of research that may lead to treatment, will help improve T1D can change the lives of people with

The T1D Index and accompanying studies have been published in leading journals. Diabetes and the Medical Journal of Endocrinology, lancet diabetes and endocrinology.

JDRF CEO Aaron Kowalski said:

JDRF developed the T1D Index in collaboration with leading partners and experts around the world. It simulates the state of T1D at global and national levels using results from a global survey of over 500 endocrinologists and 400 publications.

This measure is based on ‘missing people’, the number of people who would still be alive today if they had not died early due to complications from T1D, and ‘lost healthy years’, which represents time. uniquely reveals the human burden of T1D by emphasizing . Poor health, disability, or premature death from living with T1D.

Simulations of the T1D index show that by 2022 there will be over 3.86 million “missing persons” worldwide, with an average of 32 “years of good health” per person diagnosed at age 10. It has been suggested that it is lost by T1D. 902,172 “missing” and an average of 45 “healthy years” per person are lost with her T1D if diagnosed at age 10.

Type 1 diabetes poses a significant personal, emotional and financial burden to those living with it, and its prevalence is rising. Simulations of the Type 1 Diabetes Index identified her four key interventions that could change the current trajectory of type 1 diabetes and its impact on people around the world.

1. Timely Diagnosis: Enabling better education and training for medical professionals to accurately diagnose T1D. An additional 668,000 could survive in 2040 if the world population were able to receive her timely diagnosis from 2023.

2. insulin and Strips: Create barrier-free access to your insulin and blood glucose test strips. If the world population had access to insulin and test strips from her 2023, and coaching to self-manage their condition, 1.98 million more could be alive in 2040.

3. Pumps and CGM: Enabling everyone with type 1 diabetes access to technology that automates glucose monitoring and insulin delivery. Starting in 2023, he said, if all T1D patients had access to this technology, by 2040, there could be another 673,000 survivors.

4. Prevention and Treatment: Advocate for greater investment and research into new prevention, treatment and cures. An additional 890,000 people could be alive by 2040 if a cure can be found.

Once interventions have been identified at the global and national levels, the T1D Index will share data and findings with networks and local decision makers, connecting with other T1D advocates within their communities to encourage users to take action. encourage you to wake up

Additionally, the T1D Index sheds light on key statistics about the global T1D burden, including:

1. Since 2000, T1D prevalence has increased four times faster than the world population.
2. The number of T1D patients in 2040 is expected to be 17.43 million.
3. The number of “missing persons” in 2040 is projected to be 6.85 million.

The T1D Index is supported by its founding corporate sponsor, Abbott, with additional support from Lilly, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Leona M and the Harry B Helmsley Charitable Trust. Future releases will expand the index to include the impact of his T1D on financial costs, mental health and quality of life. Data are also broken down at the regional and demographic levels.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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