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Risk of blood clots is higher after being infected with COVID-19, study says

Risk of blood clots is higher after being infected with COVID-19, study says


Most people are now aware of the risk of developing long-term COVID after infection. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease)However, new research suggests that the virus may increase the risk of developing blood clots, and that risk remains higher than normal for a year afterward.

This is the main takeaway from a large new study published in the journal. circulationThe study analyzed data from 48 million people enrolled in the UK National Health System between January 2020 and December 2020, one day before a COVID-19 vaccine became available. I developed a blood clot-related problem.

Researchers found that the first week after someone was diagnosed with COVID-19, they developed an arterial thrombus (which can cause a heart attack or stroke by blocking blood flow to the heart or brain). the risk of 22 times Although the risk was lower by week 2 than in people without the virus, it was still elevated and less than four times as high as in people without the virus.

For venous clots, such as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, the risk was 33 times higher in the first week after being diagnosed with COVID-19. Three to four weeks after a person was diagnosed, it was about eight times higher.After 27 to 49 weeks, the risk was still 1.8 times higher when compared to people who had never had COVID-19. .

Although there was a risk regardless of the severity of COVID-19, the risk was higher among those hospitalized with the virus. Blood clot risk was also higher among black and Asian patients.

Overall, thrombosis was rare. The overall risk of developing arterial thrombosis within 49 weeks of being diagnosed with COVID-19 was 0.5%, and the risk of venous thrombosis during that period was 0.25%. (Translating this to actual health problems led to approximately 7,200 additional heart attacks or strokes, and 3,500 additional pulmonary embolisms, deep vein thrombosis, or other vein-related health problems. )

This raises many questions about safety after COVID-19 infection. This includes why this happens, what to look out for, etc. Here’s what you need to know.

Why does COVID-19 increase the risk of blood clots?

We didn’t look into this in this study — we just found a link — but there are several theories as to why this link exists.

A big problem is that viruses can cause inflammation in the body. “COVID triggers an inflammatory response that can promote blood clotting and damage vascular structures,” says Amesh A., an infectious disease expert and senior fellow at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. Adalja, MD said. As a result, “the increased risk of clotting may persist,” he says.

It’s also possible that the increased risk of blood clots could simply be due to the action of viruses, said Thomas Russo, M.D., Ph.D., professor and director of the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Buffalo, New York. “This seems to be part of the pathophysiology of this virus,” he says.

According to Dr. Russo, doctors “knew from the beginning of this pandemic that COVID infection increases the tendency to form blood clots.” “Early on, we saw a terrifying situation of people with blackened fingers and toes and damage to various organs due to blood clots,” he says.

Does this happen with other infections as well?

Doctors say other infections can put you at a higher than normal risk of blood clots.well explainedWith shingles, the risk of heart attack is increased.

“These blood clots have also been reported in influenza,” says Dr. Russo. “But they are more common with COVID.”

signs of blood clot

It is normal for blood to clot under certain circumstances, such as a cut. However, it can be a problem if a clot forms and causes a blockage or travels to other areas of the body, such as the lungs or brain. medline plusThe symptoms of dangerous blood clots depend on where they are in the body. Each Medline Plus can include:

  • stomachache
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • Sudden or gradual arm pain with swelling, tenderness, or warmth
  • difficulty breathing
  • deep breathing hurts
  • quick breathing
  • increased heart rate
  • can’t speak
  • vision problems
  • seizure
  • weakness on one side of the body
  • sudden severe headache
  • chest pain
  • sweating
  • difficulty breathing
  • left arm pain

How to stay safe from blood clots if you have COVID-19

Dr. Adalja emphasizes that this risk is rare. But Dr. Russo says it’s still a good idea to at least be aware of the risk of blood clots and what symptoms they can cause.

According to Dr. Russo, it’s also recommended to get a complete COVID-19 vaccination series, including eligible boosters, whether or not you have COVID-19. “This is another reason he’s trying to protect himself from COVID,” he says.

Korin Miller is a freelance writer who specializes in general health, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, and has appeared in men’s health, women’s health, self, glamour, and more. . She has a master’s degree from American University, she lives by the sea, and one day she hopes to own a teacup, a pig and an octopus her truck.




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