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Why You Should Get An Anxiety Test

Why You Should Get An Anxiety Test


If you’re under 65, your next checkup may include a new screen. This is anxiety screening.

A committee of medical professionals, for the first time, Recommendation to Adults under the age of 65, even those without symptoms, are screened annually by their primary care physicians for mental health conditions that are becoming increasingly common.

Doing so will help identify anxiety disorders earlier and help people connect to care, said Lori Pbert, a member of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, in a Sept. 20 post from the group. said in a statement on the draft recommendation. on the proposed guidelines before being finalized.

“I think this is sorely needed and too late,” said Robert Haddock, M.D., a psychiatrist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Western Psychiatric Hospital.

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem in the United States.that’s all 15 percent Percentage of adults who reported experiencing anxiety symptoms in 2019, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). About 20% of adults in the United States have an anxiety disorder, according to previous federal data. And the pandemic has only exacerbated the problem, with a spike in cases exceeding those estimates, both in the United States and abroad. study show.

“I really think so COVID pandemic It sheds light on the impact that everyday stress and anxiety can have on people,” says geriatric psychiatrist Lauren Garlac, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Michigan School of Medicine.

1 CDC report We found that between August 2020 and February 2021, the proportion of adults with recent symptoms of an anxiety or depressive disorder increased from 36.4% to 41.5%.

Gail Saltz, M.D., a clinical associate professor of psychiatry at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell School of Medicine and a psychoanalyst at the New York Institute of Psychoanalysis in New York City, said that since the height of the pandemic, the numbers have dropped. said to be somewhat declining. But there are still many lingering stressors that can affect your anxiety levels, such as losing a loved one. from COVID-19 Or financial hardship, she says.

Despite its prevalence, anxiety is often unrecognized in primary care settings, and few providers screen for it, according to the U.S. Task Force on Preventive Services. By checking for warning signs in patients who are not ill, the USPSTF says, “patients are significantly more likely to receive timely treatment and may save years of suffering.”

If left untreated, anxiety disorders can lead to many other health problems. For example, individuals can have trouble functioning normally at home, at work, or in relationships, notes Saltz. It has a real impact on your ability to stay engaged in work, career development and all that,” she says.

Untreated anxiety can also lead to clinical depression and can affect all of the following: blood pressure From peptic ulcer disease to chronic pain disease. In addition, levels of the stress hormone cortisol can rise and circulate throughout the body. says. (Excessive exposure to cortisol can increase the risk of heart disease, memory and concentration problems, according to Mayo in his clinic.)




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