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Reusable contact lenses more than triple the risk of contracting this rare eye infection

Reusable contact lenses more than triple the risk of contracting this rare eye infection
Reusable contact lenses more than triple the risk of contracting this rare eye infection


Using reusable software nearly quadruples the risk of rare eye infections contact lens Compared to using soft disposables. This is a stark finding from a study led by the Eye Institute at University College London (UCL) and Moorfields Eye Hospital, in which researchers found what factors could increase the risk of being diagnosed with the disease. I’ve been researching to see if it’s possible. Acanthamoeba Keratitis (AK).

“In recent years we have Acanthamoeba Keratitis has occurred in the UK and Europe, and while infection is still rare, it is preventable and requires a public health response. ” statement.

“Contact lenses are generally very safe, but are most commonly associated with a small risk of microbial keratitis caused by bacteria, the only sight-threatening complication from contact lens use. With an estimated 300 million people wearing contact lenses worldwide, it’s important that people know how to minimize their risk of developing keratitis.”

Dart and colleagues recruited more than 200 patients, 83 of whom had AK and the remaining 122 were referred to Moorfields Eye Hospital for other conditions. The latter served as a control group so that researchers could establish which risk factors increased the likelihood of getting corneal infections.

Their results suggest that reusable software contact lens Wearers were 3.8 times more likely to develop AK compared to daily disposable lens wearers. Sleeping and showering with lenses on also increased risk by 3.9 and he by 3.3, respectively. By their estimate, the researchers found that his 30-62 perfect AK case in the UK could be prevented by switching to daily disposable lenses. This may also apply to other countries.

“Previous studies have linked wearing contact lenses in hot tubs, swimming pools, or lakes to AK. We’ve added showers to that list, emphasizing one thing,” says Associate Professor Nicole, first author. Carnt, University of New South Wales, Sydney, and UCL Eye Research Institute and Moorfields Eye Hospital. “Public pools and coastal authorities can mitigate this risk by advising her not to swim with her contact lenses on.”

Blindness from AK is rare but can occur in severe cases, so the team wanted to investigate possible risk factors further. AK is diagnosed every year, and the team hopes simple interventions can steer that stat down.

“Contact lens packaging should include information about lens safety and risk avoidance, especially given that many people buy lenses online without consulting a medical professional.

“Basic contact lens hygiene measures, such as washing and drying hands thoroughly before wearing lenses, go a long way in preventing infection.”

thesis is Ophthalmology.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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