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Breakthrough COVID infection boosts immunity, study says

Breakthrough COVID infection boosts immunity, study says


September 23, 2022 — vaccination Boosters, and post-vaccination breakthrough infections, provide substantial immunity to COVID-19. new research It was published in the magazine When.

In particular, immune responses to severe disease increased significantly even in people over the age of 65, which may indicate a shift in pandemics, the authors write.

“In the early days of the pandemic, mortality among certain vulnerable groups, such as the elderly in nursing homes, was very high, but that reality is slowly changing,” said co-senior author and medical expert in Oregon Health. Associate Professor Marcel Carlin, M.D., said: & University of Science, said in a statement.

“Our study supports the idea that vaccination is the route to milder disease,” he said. appears to be much lower than at the beginning of the infection. pandemic

The research team analyzed blood Samples from 99 OHSU employees after vaccination. Including some breakthrough cases. They examined different aspects of the immune response, including neutralizing antibodies and antibodies targeting cellular spike proteins. coronavirus.

Overall, the researchers found differences in the magnitude, potency, and breadth of the immune response between patients with blood drawn 3 months after the third booster dose and those with blood drawn 1 month after the breakthrough infection. was found to increase as well.

The immune response was also strong against the BA.2 Omicron variant prevalent at the time of the study. Researchers say they expect an even stronger immune response among people who received this fall’s new bivalent COVID-19 vaccine, which targets the BA.4 and BA.5 variants. .

“Modern vaccine strategies with variant-specific regimens are expected to significantly improve the breadth of the immune response and provide better protection against infectious diseases. SARS-CoV-2 variant,” said co-senior author Fikadu Tafesse, associate professor of molecular microbiology and immunology at OHSU, in a statement.

In contrast to the beginning of the pandemic, the coronavirus is no longer ‘new’ to humans immune system, said the study authors. Most people in the world are now vaccinated, infected, or both. This means that people have a more effective immune response than before.

The results of the study likely reflect the idea that viruses are evolving to be more contagious but may be less harmful, Carlin said.

“Boosters and natural infections greatly enhance the immune response,” the study authors concluded. “As the number of Omicron subvariant cases increases and global vaccination and booster campaigns continue, an increasing proportion of the world’s population will have strong immunity that may protect against future SARS-CoV-2 variants. You will get a response.”




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