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Why the tick season gets worse in the summer of Covid-19


“Dani has a bad year,” Sapi said, paying attention to the mild winters on the east coast.

Hikers, campers, and anyone eager to escape, “Just explode outdoors, and there’s no cautious approach like that,” says James J. New York-Presbyterian Queens, to prevent exposure. Infectious disease junior division of the medical system.

“I’m a little nervous because their vigilance may just drop a little,” she adds.

Due to the high outdoor crowds on Memorial Day weekends, parks from Southern California to North Carolina needed to be closed early after reaching capacity.

Warm weather is the time to notice ticks

Last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced an increase in Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases, and seven bacteria have been identified in the United States over the last two decades. On the other hand, the “lonely mite” has expanded its footprint to the southeast. Northern Province and Midwest.

of CDC’s Guide to Visiting Parks and Recreation Facilities The Covid-19 era includes avoiding crowded parks, staying home if infected, and limiting extra stops that select parks closer to your home that increase your risk of infection.

However, focusing on Covid-19 prevention alone, ignoring the basic steps that reduce the risk of tick- and vector-borne illness, is only one risk. Second, symptoms can be confused when you feel sick.

Lyme Disease and Covid-19: A Story of Similar Symptoms

The warning signs of a tick-borne disease are very similar to the severity seen with Covid-19, which is fever, muscle aches, headaches, and severe fatigue,” says Dr Segal-Maurer. ..

She believes that the unique difference is that respiratory disorders are common in patients with coronavirus but not in those with mite disease. But even that distinction is controversial.

“Although fatal, lung involvement has been reported in the range of tick-borne infections,” Dr. Stephen Phillips of the Bay Area Lyme Foundation told CNN. “Severe lung involvement from vector-borne infections is relatively rare, but nonspecific lung disorders such as shortness of breath are very common.”

With more than 300 million people in a normal year, the National Park Service continues to “land” its land and services. that is “Recreate responsibly” The campaign not only reminds visitors about trails, boat launches, social distances in parking lots, but also encourages guests to postpone difficult hikes and new activities, while first responders and others are still Busy for a pandemic.
Here's a far-away tip on how to check for coronavirus this holiday weekend as the number of US cases increases

Following the Covid-19 tips, it’s just as important to keep your advice from getting bitten. Dr. Segal-Maurer describes a “real-life” scenario when you are on a tightly packed hiking trail. “You’re all going to push into the vegetation…a little bit off the road.”

The scale is “hanging on the tip of a leaf, leaf, or vegetation. It has a small antennae and appears to be swaying, so when you brush it a second time, it latches.”

Last month, Pennsylvania’s Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine announced an increase in emergency room visits “related” to tick bites in the last few months. “Several symptoms of Lyme disease, such as fever, chills, and headaches, are similar to those of COVID-19,” Dr. Levine said in a statement, reiterating statements from other experts...

Go out-responsibly

Hiker walking on a paved road in Zion National Park, Utah, closed by a pandemic.
Similar to coronaviruses, the number of reported cases of Lyme disease may be underestimated. While CDC estimates 30,000 Americans With an annual contract with Lyme, federal agencies have estimated recently that the true number could be ten times higher, about 300,000.

Dr. Seagull Maurer says healthcare professionals should always ask their patients about travel and other activities. “We need to cover all the locations… we don’t want to be a Covid blind.”

Patients should also be asked about both possibilities.

England has the worst Covid mortality rate in the world.  Many now fear that it is about to be swallowed up in chaos

When it comes to protecting against ticks, she says, “You have to use Diet. You need to be 30%. You need to monitor where you are hiking. And when you come back in, do a body check. You need to do.”

Dr. Phillips prefers permethrin, which he claims to be more powerful, but “can only be sprayed onto clothing, not onto the skin and needs to be dried overnight before wearing.”

Other tips include putting on a hat, light-colored clothing to help find mites, putting socks on top of your pants, and choosing a long-sleeved shirt to keep mites away from your skin.

Of course, this is in addition to wearing a mask to combat the coronavirus epidemic.

But even with the extra hassle of a safer summer vacation, Dr. Seagull Mauer said, “Summer was very traumatic. I think the great outdoors are a very healing place,” she believes. I encourage people to go outside this summer as they are there.


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