Austin-area flu season could be bad, doctor says
Flu season is coming. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local doctors recommend getting a flu shot before Halloween. This is known as the “Say Boo to the Flu” campaign.
Dr. Brian Metzger, Chief Medical Officer for Infectious Diseases at St. David’s HealthCare, said it’s difficult to predict the severity of flu season, but that “flu season is going to be a little longer.”
There have been no widespread influenza epidemics in the last two years. This means that more and more people have no immunity and are susceptible to infection.
Last year’s flu season was delayed, but some doctors say cases spiked in the spring as people started socializing again and stopped wearing masks.
Dr. Ryan McCorkle, an emergency room doctor at St. David’s Medical Center, said in the spring: “We saw some (cases), but not many.”
McCorkle said in April that his emergency room is experiencing 10 flu cases for every COVID-19 case.
Influenza treatment:UT researchers helped discover new anti-influenza drugs
what’s going on with the flu
CDC releases weekly influenza surveillance reports. I noted that in the week ending Sept. 17, Texas had a moderate number of cases. Most of the rest of the country had low or minimal case rates.
In recent weeks, influenza A and B strains have been confirmed in Travis County. According to the Texas Flu Activity Map, surrounding counties are seeing mostly flu-like illness. Austin Public Health will begin monitoring flu on October 1st.
Immunologists are looking at the flu season in Australia to predict what our season will be like. During our summer Australia had the worst flu in the country in five years. The season has arrived. These cases are especially damaging to children and teens. Influenza generally travels from Asia and Australia to Europe and then to North America.
Is it the flu? What do you think?
Flu symptoms include coughing, congestion, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, pain, and fever. These are the same symptoms associated with other respiratory viruses such as COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus.
Call your doctor and get tested to find out which virus you have. He then stays at home for 24 hours, usually without fever, until he is no longer contagious.
Most people can treat the flu at home with over-the-counter cold and flu medicines. Within 48 hours after the first symptoms appear, he can take Tamiflu or a similar drug to hasten the progression of the disease.
If you have severe flu symptoms, the emergency room can provide hydration, anti-nausea and anti-diarrheal medications, respiratory therapy, and cough steroids.
What can you do to avoid getting the flu?
All we’ve been doing due to COVID-19 is hand washing. Avoid crowded places. Get vaccinated. Stay home when you are sick.
It may make sense to wear masks at large gatherings during cold and flu season.
I got the flu:The flu is back in Central Texas. Here’s how to avoid getting sick.
Influenza vaccination is available
The Austin Public Health Department recommends that anyone 6 months and older get their flu shot by the end of October.
“Now is not the time to let our guard down,” Dr. Desmar Walks, of the Austin Travis County Health Department, said earlier this month. During this time, we were fighting the COVID-19 delta variant, combining masks and vaccines to protect the most vulnerable people from COVID-19 and the flu. Let’s do it again.”
It usually takes about 2 weeks to see the maximum effect. Flu vaccinations are usually effective for 6 to 9 months.
You can get a COVID-19 shot or booster at the same time as your flu shot. The COVID-19 vaccination is free for everyone. Flu shots are usually free for people with insurance and are available at most pharmacies and GP’s offices.
If you don’t have insurance, the Austin Department of Public Health has a vaccine clinic that offers discounted rates and even free vaccinations for those who can’t pay. Far South Clinic (405 W. Stathney Lane) and St John Clinic (7500 Blessing Ave) are both open Mondays from 8am to 12:30pm, 10am to 1:30pm and from 3pm Open until 7pm. Tuesday through Thursday from 2pm to 5pm, Friday from 8am to 11:30am. The Far South Clinic is open from 8am to noon on the first Saturday of each month. On the third Saturday of each month, St. John Clinic is open from 8:00 am to noon. You can make an appointment by calling 512-972-5520.
Understanding Hidden Dangers:How the flu can damage your heart and increase your risk of stroke and illness
Influenza hits the immune system
Getting the flu weakens your immune system, making it harder to fight the next virus or bacterial pneumonia. That’s when people end up in the hospital.
“The flu takes a toll on the immune system,” says Dr. Shyam Sivasankar, a pediatric emergency physician at St. David’s Children’s Hospital.
People with respiratory illnesses, such as the flu, may have hypoxia, or less oxygen in their blood. This puts a strain on the heart, which can affect the heart muscle and cause a heart attack in adults.
A 2020 study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine looked at adults hospitalized with flu between 2010 and 2017 during flu season. One in eight had what they called an “acute cardiovascular event,” such as a heart attack or other sudden heart condition.
Inflammation from the flu can also destroy plaque that builds up in the arteries and cause a heart attack.
Influenza can also weaken the body and cause sepsis and secondary infections from bacteria or another virus. The increased stress response of the body trying to fight off the flu virus can weaken the heart muscle.
Get a flu shot:COVID-19, other viruses make flu vaccination even more important this year
Who should get the flu vaccination?
Influenza vaccination can be given from 6 months of age and older. Doctors say it’s most important for people for whom contracting the flu is likely to be life-threatening. people with asthma, diabetes, or an immune deficiency; pregnant women; people who are morbidly obese; and people caring for someone with any of these conditions. If vaccines are in short supply, these people will be given priority.
Check with your doctor if you have questions about whether you can get the flu shot. Children from 6 months to her 3 years may receive another form of injection or half the dose.
Children under the age of 8 should receive two doses of the flu vaccine, one month apart, when they receive their first flu shot to boost immunity. People over the age of 9 do not need to get two doses of the flu vaccine, even if they have never been vaccinated against the flu. The CDC assumes that if you’ve been exposed to the flu at some point and live to be 9 years old, you have some degree of natural immunity.
High-dose flu vaccines are available for adults 65 and older. Designed to boost immunity against influenza. Older people’s immunity begins to decline more rapidly, usually around 6 months. A child’s immunity lasts 12 to 18 months, and a typical adult usually has about 18 months of immunity. (Since flu strains change each year and vaccinations are for that year’s strain, it doesn’t mean adults should skip vaccination every flu season.)
The high-dose vaccine is especially important for people who have had a bad flu despite having been vaccinated against it in the past.
All these side effects are similar and are usually injection site irritation.
People with egg allergies are sometimes told not to get the flu shot, but that is no longer true. If you’ve had a severe allergic reaction to a flu shot before, see your doctor. Check with and get vaccinated at a clinic that can be monitored later.
Vivek Goswami, M.D., cardiologist at Austin Hart, said:
Are there alternatives to shots?
For people with a fear of needles, there is a nasal spray vaccine for ages 2 to 49. It is a live virus, not the inactive virus found in flu shots. Not suitable for pregnant women, persons with a history of asthma, immunosuppression or cancer. In addition, we cannot inoculate with other vaccines.
Ellis shared some tips for getting shots.
• Use a cold spray or anesthetic spray on the affected area.
• Use a buzzy bee (a device that makes a cool sound to distract attention from the painful area) on your arm.
• Exhale as soon as the shot enters.
• Using electronic devices for distraction, such as playing games on your phone.
• Having irrelevant conversations during filming.
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