Nearly 75% of long-term COVID patients recover after one year, study finds
- A new study found that most people recover from a long COVID after a year.
- Researchers have found evidence that antibodies associated with autoimmune diseases and elevated levels of proteins called cytokines are higher in people with persistent symptoms.
- Long-lasting COVID-19 symptoms include fatigue, difficulty breathing, coughing, headaches, body aches, and even cognitive symptoms that affect concentration and sleep.
new research was published this month in European Respiratory Journal About 75% of people were found to recover from prolonged COVID within 12 months, regardless of severity.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
Researchers also found that patients with persistent symptoms had antibodies associated with the autoimmune disease and elevated levels of a protein called cytokinewhich can cause inflammation.
according to Christopher Calandrella, DOChair of Emergency Medicine, Long Island Jewish Forest Hills, Queens, Long COVID is a term that refers to a range of symptoms that cannot be explained by another diagnosis and that persist for more than four weeks after acute COVID-19 infection.
“Also called the post-COVID state, Post-COVID syndrome or PASC (acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2),” he told Healthline.
Calandrella explained that symptoms patients may experience include fatigue, difficulty breathing, coughing, headaches, body aches, and even cognitive symptoms that affect concentration and sleep.
“Patients may also experience anxiety and depression,” he said. “Since these symptoms can be caused by a variety of health conditions, patients should seek medical attention if symptoms persist without any other clear cause.”
In this study, researchers examined 106 people who recovered from COVID-19 infection 3, 6, and 12 months after recovering from the illness.
All patients studied were otherwise healthy and had no pre-existing autoimmune disease or other underlying disease prior to the pandemic.
“In general, don’t worry if you feel sick immediately after being infected, as you are very likely to recover within 12 months. Just because they last doesn’t mean they’ll last forever.” Senior Author Dr. Manali Mukherjeesaid an assistant professor of medicine at McMaster University. statement.
By 12 months, approximately 75% of those surveyed were free of COVID-related symptoms.
Mukherjee said he found a link between patient recovery and levels of cytokines and autoantibodies in the system.
They found that in patients who recovered, reductions in autoantibodies and cytokines coincided with improvement in symptoms, while those with persistent symptoms had elevated levels of antibodies and cytokines after one year.
“While the body is fighting the virus, the immune system becomes so active that it makes antibodies that not only kill the virus, but also attack the host,” Mukherjee said. statement.
“However, the body’s general tendency after fighting a serious virus like SARS-CoV2 is to recover, which often changes at different paces for different individuals,” she added.
If symptoms persist or worsen after 12 months, Mukherjee says, “definitely” you should see a doctor.
she Recommended Patients with long-lasting symptoms of COVID should see a rheumatologist, who specializes in autoimmune diseases and can better assess the need for early intervention.
Mukherjee emphasized “Most” patients with long-term COVID are currently being evaluated by non-autoimmune specialists, including pulmonologists, pulmonologists, and infectious disease specialists.
Dr. Calandrella says there are various autoimmune treatment options for persistent long-term COVID.
“Based on this study, patients who continue to experience symptoms beyond 12 months should be treated with autoimmune therapy, which may include anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines, and other drugs that target the immune system. You may receive treatment focused on
Carandrella noted that treatment could also include a “broader approach” that utilizes multidisciplinary teams to create customized regimens for each patient based on their symptoms.
Asked whether the risk of COVID remains long-term even after the virus becomes endemic, Calandralla said it was difficult to predict.
He said that if COVID-19 becomes endemic, we should continue to see “some degree of transmission” and illness in the community, which could develop into long-lasting cases of COVID.
However, Calandrella stressed, “It is difficult to predict long-term trends in COVID based on current data and research.”
Thomas GutDO, director of the Post-COVID Recovery Center at Staten Island University Hospital, part of Northwell Health in New York, envisioned at this point that COVID “will remain a problem as it becomes endemic” for the long term. said it is safe to do so.
“Surveys show that nearly a quarter of people who have had COVID before are now experiencing long-lasting COVID symptoms,” he continued. “We have not seen a long-term reduction in COVID risk as COVID has become a milder acute disease. Unfortunately, it is very likely that this trend will continue.”
The best way to avoid a prolonged period of COVID is to stay up to date on COVID-19 vaccinations.
“So far, vaccination has been the most effective option for preventing COVID-1,” said Gut.
He added that as more people develop COVID-related symptoms, the pool of information about COVID and its risks over the long term will “definitely” become much larger.
“A study with more than 100 patients now is a small step in the right direction,” he said. “But we look forward to further studies investigating larger segments of the population.”
About 75% of people who develop COVID for a long time after being infected recover after 12 months, according to a new study.
Experts say COVID will remain a problem long after the virus has become endemic.
It also said that effective treatment options are available for those who have had COVID symptoms for more than 12 months.
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