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Amid the winter ‘twindemic’ scare in the UK, millions have been prompted to get jabs of the flu and Covid.coronavirus

Amid the winter ‘twindemic’ scare in the UK, millions have been prompted to get jabs of the flu and Covid.coronavirus
Amid the winter ‘twindemic’ scare in the UK, millions have been prompted to get jabs of the flu and Covid.coronavirus


Tens of millions of people in the UK are being asked to get flu and Covid vaccines as soon as possible amid fears of winter ‘rubella’, which poses a serious risk to public health.

UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) officials are bracing for a resurgence of influenza infections that could cause severe illness in the coming months and fear it will coincide with the coronavirus pandemic. increase. already under construction.

Covid restrictions have kept the flu at very low levels over the last three years, but the return of mix in the UK to near pre-pandemic levels suggests that the virus is likely to spread this season, when the population’s immunity is low. It means that the time for recovery is ripe.

“We have seen widespread influenza epidemics, during the past three winters, when Covid-19, with its many variants that could evade the immune response, reduced levels of innate immunity due to reduced exposures. There are strong indications that we may face an increasing threat, said UKHSA Chief Medical Advisor Dr Susan Hopkins.

“This combination poses serious health risks for people in particularly high-risk groups.”

The NHS is under pressure each winter as cold weather increases hospitalizations, but health services could face a particularly difficult time if influenza and Covid spread widely at the same time.

Health officials are particularly concerned about H3N2 influenza strains detected by global surveillance. Early return of influenza in Australia this year. H3N2 can cause more severe illness than other influenza strains, and was responsible for the last severe flu season in the UK in 2017-2018, with nearly 22,000 excess deaths and twice as many hospitalizations. has occurred.

About 33 million people in the UK will be eligible for free flu vaccine this fall, including children who are provided with nasal spray vaccine. health Officials are keen to improve uptake for less than half of the pregnant women who received the vaccine last year and for young children who are unlikely to have natural immunity to the virus.

About 26 million people who are eligible for a free flu shot are also eligible for a fall Covid booster. In the NHS plan, these are updated shots from Pfizer and Moderna, intended for the original and Omicron variants. influenza Covid vaccination is available for everyone over the age of 50, those at clinical risk, those with compromised immune systems, frontline health workers and social care workers. If possible, vaccinate against COVID-19 and influenza at the same time.

“This winter may see for the first time the effects of the so-called ‘twindemic’, in which both Covid and influenza are fully epidemic, making those most vulnerable to severe illness from these viruses. But protect yourself and those around you,” said Steve Russell, NHS Director of Immunization and Screening. “If you’ve been offered a flu shot or a Covid booster, you should make an appointment as soon as possible.”

There are still no signs that flu season has arrived in the UK, Covid cases and hospitalizations are starting to rise As new Omicron variants emerge that are better able to evade vaccines and immunity from past infections. 2020 research People diagnosed with the flu and Covid at the same time were twice as likely to die than those who tested positive for Covid.

Peter Openshaw, professor of medicine at Imperial College London, said the low level of winter flu over the past two years means that few people have natural immunity to the flu. I’m here. “I think this winter we are particularly concerned that infectious diseases will have a much greater impact and could cause problems for people who are not normally included in vaccination campaigns.”

Another concern is that people may be hesitant to vaccinate for both Covid and the flu. I think there are others,” said Openshaw. “We know that getting both the flu vaccine and the Covid vaccine at the same time is safe and does not interfere with each other. I have to get.”

Dr Tom Peacock, a virologist at Imperial College London, said: Based on Southern Hemisphere data, the UK could experience its first proper flu season after the pandemic this year. “It can be pretty bad, especially when combined with the Covid wave,” he said.

But Dr Julian Tan, a virologist at the University of Leicester, warned there is still great uncertainty about what will happen in the UK. , the virus is not just gathering and leaving Australia for the UK.

“While it is impossible to predict exactly what will happen during the UK flu season, the important thing is to get vaccinated. Covid precautions such as masks, social distancing and improved indoor ventilation will be maintained. It also reduces the number of seasonal flu infections.




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