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Prepare for the 2022-2023 flu season

Prepare for the 2022-2023 flu season


As COVID-19 precautions ease and flu cases surge in the Southern Hemisphere, Cedars-Sinai experts warn the public to prepare for this year’s deadly flu season.

‘Australia and New Zealand have had their worst flu seasons in five years,’ said infectious disease expert Sonia Gandhi, MD, Associate Chief Medical Officer, Cedars-Sinai. “We tend to see similar flu patterns in the northern hemisphere. Sonia Gandhi, MDEnsuring this happens really highlights the importance of getting a flu shot this year. ”

Over the past two years, despite observing COVID-19 pandemic safety measures such as wearing masks and frequent hand washing, the flu has all but disappeared in the United States. Back to socializing.

‘People are sick of respiratory viruses and trying to get back to normal life,’ said infectious disease expert Kimberly Schreiner, M.D., at Huntington Health, an affiliate of Cedars-Sinai. “Now that COVID-19 has started to calm down a bit, I am worried that the flu will give the impression of calming down as well.”

Shriner and Gandhi are Cedars-Sinai Newsroom Learn what this flu season can bring and why it’s wise to be prepared to get a flu shot.

What are your concerns about the current flu season in the Southern Hemisphere?

Australia has a strong flu tracking system, and Australia’s flu season, which runs from April to October, provides clues as to what’s in store for the United States.

This year’s flu has not only been severe in Australia, it has spread rapidly.

“The flu started to hit two months earlier than usual, with the highest number of cases seen in children aged 5 to 9,” Gandhi said. “This underscores that even young people should be vaccinated against influenza.”

silver lining? Australia has had a high outbreak of influenza A(H3N2), the strain included in this year’s vaccine, Gandhi said. It’s too early to assess vaccine effectiveness in the United States, but she said it’s reassuring to know that this strain of virus is covered by current vaccines.

What other factors could influence the upcoming flu season?

Kimberly Schreiner, M.D.“We’ve been very well protected over the last two years. The flu virus hasn’t had a chance to spread widely,” Schreiner said. “But now I’m taking off my mask.”

In recent years, as people have become more isolated, the population’s immunity to influenza has decreased. The combination of weakened immunity and relaxed safety measures means the public is doubly vulnerable to circulating respiratory viruses.

“It should come as no surprise that if you add all of these things together, it could be the worst flu season in years,” Gandhi said.

Why should people take the flu seriously?

Influenza is a serious illness, especially for the elderly and immunocompromised patients, such as cancer and transplant patients.

“Flu can kill up to 50,000 people a year, and given the preview of upcoming attractions in the Southern Hemisphere, it certainly worries us about this impending season,” Shriner said.

In the United States, influenza typically peaks from November through April. This coincides with the winter holidays when people congregate indoors, which tends to spike COVID-19.

“The influx of hospitalized patients due to COVID-19 and flu strains the healthcare system and could impact staffing if many healthcare workers become ill,” said Gandhi. . “This is another reason he got a flu shot and a new Omicron booster for him.”

Why get a flu shot?

The past two years have demonstrated the ability of vaccines to prevent disease and save lives. “We’ve seen it dramatically with COVID-19, and I think the same is true for the flu,” Schreiner said. It also protects those who cannot be vaccinated or who respond poorly to vaccines.”

By limiting the spread of influenza and preventing severe illness, flu vaccinations also help maintain hospital capacity, Gandhi said. It cited a recent study in adults that showed it reduced the risk of hospitalization by 26% and the risk of death by 31%.

“Influenza and COVID-19 vaccines are important on an individual level and also from a public health perspective,” Gandhi said.

For more information, visit the Cedars-Sinai blog. What’s the difference between a cold, the flu, and COVID-19?

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