A single dose of monkeypox vaccine offers some protection against infection, according to CDC
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – AUGUST 10: Luis Garcia, a registered nurse, prepares a monkeypox virus vaccine on Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at the St. John’s Well Child & Family Center in Los Angeles, CA.
Irfan Khan | Los Angeles Times | Getty Images
People at risk of monkeypox who have never been vaccinated are 14 times more likely to be infected than those who have been vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Preliminary data collected from 32 states from late July through early September are the first to suggest that the Jynneos vaccine offers at least some protection against infection from the monkeypox virus circulating in the current outbreak. This is concrete evidence.
“These new data provide us with cautious optimism that the vaccine is working as intended,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Wallenski told reporters during an update Wednesday. Told.
The data show that even a single dose of the vaccine provides initial protection against infection two weeks after vaccination, Wallenski said. 2 doses.
Wallenski says that while the data on one dose are promising, laboratory studies show that immune protection is highest two weeks after the second dose.
“In light of these encouraging data, that is why we continue to strongly recommend two doses of the Jynneos vaccine 28 days apart to ensure durable and sustained immune protection against monkeypox.” Walensky said.
Monkeypox is spread primarily among gay and bisexual men through close skin-to-skin contact during sex. The virus is rarely fatal, but it causes a very painful blister-like rash that can lead to hospitalization in some cases.
The CDC director said people who are vaccinated should protect themselves from infection by avoiding close contact with monkeypox patients and reducing behaviors that put them at high risk of monkeypox exposure. .
When asked about when vaccinated individuals will be able to resume normal sexual activity, Wallenski said the CDC is waiting for real data on the effectiveness of the second vaccination. rice field.
“What we have now is data on how effective the vaccine is in one dose and how it performs. What happens after the second dose and how much protection is there? No word yet on how durable it will be.
This is the first time the US is using Jynneos to control a monkeypox outbreak. As a result, there is little data on the actual effectiveness of vaccines. The Food and Drug Administration first approved his Jynneos vaccine in 2019 based on human immune response data.
Entitlement expansion
CDC is also expanding its reach to ensure that people receive the vaccine before they are exposed to monkeypox, rather than after a known or suspected exposure to the virus.
This includes transgender people who had multiple sex partners in the past six months, had sex in an area with a high risk of monkeypox, or contracted a sexually transmitted disease during that time, as well as gay and bisexual people. Also includes men. Sexual partners of these at-risk people, including sex workers, should also be vaccinated.
Demetre Daskalakis, deputy head of the White House Monkeypox Task Force, said the federal government is also calling on vaccine providers to make it easier for people to get vaccinated and reduce fears of stigmatization.
“Fear of sexuality and revealing gender identity should not be a barrier to vaccination,” Daskalakis said.
The new CDC guidance also allows vaccination on the shoulders and upper back, so clothing covers the temporary marks left by the injections. Some people do not want to get injections in their forearms because they feel they are being taken.
The United States is battling the world’s largest monkeypox outbreak, with more than 25,000 cases reported in every US state, Washington DC and Puerto Rico, according to CDC data. There has been one confirmed death from the virus in the United States since the outbreak began in May.
Monkeypox cases have declined nationwide in recent weeks after the virus hit the United States over the summer.
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