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Unvaccinated people are 14 times more likely to get monkeypox than vaccinated people, new data from the United States show.

Unvaccinated people are 14 times more likely to get monkeypox than vaccinated people, new data from the United States show.



Eligible persons who could not receive benefits monkeypox vaccine Federal data released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that people were about 14 times more likely to catch the virus than those who had been vaccinated.

The numbers reflect the first wave of credible data collected by the Biden administration. Efficacy of monkeypox vaccine It is now administered across the United States. The data represent an important milestone in the administration’s fight against monkeypox, especially given the unprecedented nature of this year’s outbreak.

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Wallenski said: “These new data provide us with a level of optimism that the vaccine is working as intended.”

Multiple health officials say vaccine data has made the administration increasingly optimistic about the effectiveness of the two-dose Jynneos monkeypox vaccine and its potential to eventually eliminate the current outbreak in the United States entirely. I feel that

“We are cautiously optimistic about this study and believe that if we continue to bring vaccines to those most at risk of disease and promote the behavioral changes we know to work, the combination of these two We think it will be possible to continue reducing the number of cases and hopefully eliminate the current monkeypox outbreak in the United States,” a health official told CNN.

Officials cautioned that the findings have some important caveats. For example, a recent study found that human behavior It may be a factor for vaccinated individuals, they said.

“What it doesn’t do for us is fully disentangle this fragment that could be a fragment of behavioral change that could be related to sexual networks and who people are in contact with.” “We know many gay and bisexual men changed their behavior when the monkeypox outbreak began,” said an official.

There are also open questions about vaccine durability and how long protection lasts. , but we continue to seek those who are eligible to receive two doses of the vaccine for maximum protection.

“We know this is a two-dose vaccine, and all the studies to date have shown that the second dose elicits a more severe immune response. We continue to encourage people to get a second dose,” the official said.

Bob Fenton, the White House’s monkeypox response coordinator, said more than 800,000 doses of the monkeypox vaccine have been administered to date.

The CDC estimates that 1.7 million gay and bisexual men in the United States are at the highest risk of contracting monkeypox.

Recent patient trends suggest that monkeypox outbreaks are slowing in the United States. Data collected by the CDC show that in the United States, his average daily new cases of monkeypox have declined since mid-August, indicating that the vaccination campaign is working.

As of September 27, 25,300 cases of monkeypox have been diagnosed in all 50 states. The CDC announced Wednesday that it has expanded the eligibility of the Jynneos monkeypox vaccine to include pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).

“By expanding eligibility and moving to a nationwide PrEP strategy, we will ensure that people at highest risk of monkeypox receive pre-exposure vaccines and ensure equitable access to vaccines for those who need them. We aim to continue to deliver,” Warenski said. .

The Biden administration is encouraging states and counties to use funds received for sexually transmitted diseases and mental health to help pay for the fight against monkeypox.

The White House had asked Congress to approve $4.5 billion to fight monkeypox. But that request, along with a call for more funding to fight Covid-19, is the latest version of the short-term funding bill Congress hopes to pass this week to avoid a government shutdown. has been removed from




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