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Taking Tylenol During Pregnancy May Affect Your Child

Taking Tylenol During Pregnancy May Affect Your Child


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Experts say taking medication during pregnancy is always a decision weighed against benefits and risks. Treasures and Travel/Stocksy
  • Children whose mothers took acetaminophen during pregnancy may be at higher risk of sleep disturbances and attention problems, researchers say
  • The researchers say the study is important because acetaminophen, sold under the brand name Tylenol, is a common drug prescribed during pregnancy.
  • But experts say medications such as acetaminophen may be needed during pregnancy, for example if the mother has a fever.

usage of Acetaminophen Pregnancy may be associated with neurobehavioral problems in the offspring.

a study A paper published today in PLOS One reports that children exposed to acetaminophen in utero experienced sleep and attention disturbances at age 3.

“These findings support previous studies reporting an association between prenatal exposure to acetaminophen and attentional problems in offspring, and an association with sleep problems at 3 years of age. Because acetaminophen use during pregnancy is common, these results are of public health concern and caution should be exercised when using drugs containing acetaminophen during pregnancy. suggests,” the study’s authors wrote.

To conduct the study, researchers used data from 2,423 mother-infant pairs in Pennsylvania. Mothers reported medications used, with 41% reporting having used acetaminophen during pregnancy.Women were also asked to report prenatal stress.

Headaches or migraines were the most common reasons for taking acetaminophen, marketed under the brand name Tylenol, during pregnancy, followed by allergies or colds.

Children’s behavioral problems child behavior checklistThese included sleep disturbances and attention problems.

Researchers reported that children exposed to acetaminophen in utero scored higher on these scales than children of the same age.

“The fact that neurological dysfunction underlies children’s sleep and attention problems suggests that an important mechanism of effect may be the effects of acetaminophen on prenatal neurology. It may affect preschool attention and sleep regulation,” the authors wrote.

“In this regard, acetaminophen has been found to be associated with decreased brain connectivity in the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for autoregulation,” they added.

The study notes that over 50% of pregnant women worldwide use acetaminophen during pregnancy. This drug can be used to treat mild to moderate pain and to reduce fever.

Last year, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) statement “ACOGs and gynecologists across the country have consistently identified acetaminophen as one of the only safe pain relievers for pregnant women during pregnancy.”

Dr. Irina PlumHe is a physician in maternal and fetal medicine at UCLA Health.

“There were a number of limitations, as explained in this study, including the fact that these results were based on surveys conducted by mothers. You have to interpret the child’s behavior,” Pluym told Healthline.

“I routinely recommend acetaminophen to my patients when they have medical symptoms such as pain and fever, but this study does not change my practice.” A wealth of safety data has been previously published, and withholding treatment for maternal illness also poses risks for pregnancy,” she added. Or any other pain reliever of choice for muscle pain.”

before deciding whether to take any medication during pregnancy. Office of Women’s Health Women are advised to consult their doctor. Many medications can cause problems during pregnancy and this limits what can be safely taken.

“Regarding pain management, non-steroidal drugs cannot be used in the first trimester of pregnancy. Non-steroidal drugs cannot be used in the third trimester of pregnancy. An alternative to is acetaminophen.” Dr. G. Thomas Lewisan OB/GYN leader at Memorial Care Orange Coast Medical Center in California, told Healthline.

Nonsteroidal drugs, also called NSAIDs, include ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), aspirin, and Naproxen (Alive). These drugs can cause blood flow problems and bleeding problems.

Experts say drug use during pregnancy is a matter of weighing risks and benefits, and for now, acetaminophen still has a role.

“Medical use during pregnancy is always a balance between keeping both mother and baby safe. Mothers rarely withhold prescribed medications because of an unreasonable fear of risk to the baby.” “The drug should not be used during pregnancy without a clear reason, but if the mother is ill with a fever, it should be used not only to prevent further decompensation to the mother herself, but also to prevent further decompensation of the mother herself.” You need treatment to reduce the stress it puts on pregnancy and the mother. Baby.”

“Other than non-medication interventions such as ice packs, massage, rest, support belts, physical therapy and acupuncture, acetaminophen should remain the drug of choice for treating pain and fever during pregnancy. We have limited alternatives,” she added.




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