Health authorities urge Dorset people to get flu and Covid jabs
The UK Health and Security Service in the South West warned everyone in Dorset, who are eligible to receive a free flu vaccine and COVID-19 booster, could have a difficult winter as the respiratory virus spreads. We urge you to accept this offer as soon as possible.
According to international surveillance, influenza A subtype H3N2 is currently the most commonly detected influenza virus worldwide. H3N2 has recently caused waves of infections in Southern Hemisphere countries such as Australia. In this country, too, influenza is prevalent in the winter season earlier than usual.
This H3N2 strain circulated in the UK last winter, but was greatly curbed by COVID-19 restrictions at a time when people were less mixed and working from home. While this helped keep people from getting the flu, it also led to lower levels of natural immunity to this strain built up within the population.
In 2021/22, people aged 65 and over (82%) had record intake rates of influenza jab, but intake rates were lower among clinical risk groups and pregnant women, and these groups will You are especially encouraged to step forward.
This year, all elementary school students and some middle school students will be eligible for the flu nasal spray that is usually given at school. In GP surgery, a 2-year-old and her 3-year-old (age on August 31st) children are also invited to this nasal spray his vaccination at the clinic. Most young children have not yet had the flu. This means they haven’t built a natural immunity to this virus, so it’s especially important to get the flu vaccine this year.
In addition to the predicted flu wave, there are early signs that COVID-19 incidence rates are starting to rise ahead of winter, posing a growing threat to public health.
Early findings from the pandemic show that people infected with both influenza and COVID at the same time, known as co-infection, are about twice as likely to die as those infected with COVID-19 alone. I’m here.
For everyone who qualifies, getting both a COVID-19 booster and a flu shot is an essential form of protection against the most serious respiratory virus circulating this winter.
In addition to getting vaccinated, prevent the spread of respiratory viruses this winter by practicing hand hygiene, wearing a mask in crowded and enclosed public places, and when coughing or sneezing. We recommend covering your nose and mouth.
UKHSA Chief Medical Advisor Dr Susan Hopkins said:
“Influenza and COVID-19 are unpredictable, but the spread of COVID-19, with its many subspecies, due to widespread influenza epidemics and decreased exposure during the past three winters that have reduced levels of innate immunity,” said Dr. There are strong indications that we may face the threat of an increased risk of immune responses being able to evade this combination poses serious health risks to people in particularly high-risk groups.
“The H3N2 influenza strain can cause particularly serious illness. Older people and those who are vulnerable because of other conditions are at greater risk, so it is wise to get the flu vaccine.” and potentially life-saving.
“We are very fortunate to have vaccines against these two diseases. Most eligible groups are selected because they are at high risk of severe disease. It is especially important to get a nasal spray vaccine this year because of the low incidence of pneumonia. please give me.”
UKHSA South West Regional Deputy Director Professor Dominic Mellon added:
“Influenza and COVID-19 can both cause serious illness and hospitalization and will circulate together this winter. If so, it means it’s especially important to get vaccinated.
“Without a doubt, the best defense we have is getting vaccinated. Jab is there to protect you and your family from potentially very serious illnesses this winter.
“We also need to remember that living with Covid means doing what we can to reduce the spread of the virus. Meet in well-ventilated areas, wash your hands regularly, Stay away from others as much as possible if you have symptoms.More on the government website You can find advice and guidance for
Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr. Thomas Waite said:
“Vaccines have saved many lives over the years, both for the flu and more recently for Covid. is very important that people get both Covid and flu vaccines.
“Vaccines are the best way to protect against serious illness and help reduce the burden on the health care system.”
Steve Russell, NHS Director of Immunization and Screening, said:
“This winter may see for the first time the effects of the so-called ‘twindemic’, in which both Covid and influenza are in full swing, making those most vulnerable to severe illness from these viruses. But it’s important to move forward in search of a vaccine to protect yourself and those around you.
“If you’ve been offered a flu shot or Covid booster, you should book your appointment as soon as possible. There are more immunization centers than ever this year, and it’s quick, convenient, and provides vital protection this winter. To do.”
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