DNA associated with Covid-19 infection inherited from Neanderthals 60,000 years ago: A study
With more than 11,000,000 cases of coronavirus worldwide, international researchers have made incredible discoveries associated with this virus. Hugo Zeberg and Svante Paabo said in their new study that a set of DNAs associated with the disease caused by the new coronavirus was inherited from Neanderthals 60,000 years ago.
Scientists did not know why this particular segment increases the risk of serious illness from the virus, but the findings show bioRxiv, It presents some clues to modern health derived from ancient history.
Scientists explained that their study identified a gene cluster on chromosome 3 as the “risk locus for respiratory failure in SARS-CoV-2.” Researchers have discovered that the subspecies are now common in Bangladesh in Asia. There 63% of people have at least one copy.
The study found that people in South Asia were nearly 30% more likely to be infected than in Europe, where the proportion was close to 8%, due to the spread of part of the genome in South Asia. I am. But in Africa it is almost completely lacking. However, the evolutionary pattern that produced this distribution over the last 60,000 years has not yet been clarified.
Understand the new coronavirus
Earlier reports show that older people are more likely to be more ill than the younger generation, and men are at higher risk. In the United States, African Americans are far more likely to get the virus, and genes play a major role.
When researcher Comparing Italian and Spanish COVID-19 patients, they found that two locations in the genome were associated with greater risk. However, these genetic discoveries are rapidly updating as more infected individuals are studied.
After a batch of new data emerged showing a stronger association between the disease and the chromosome 3 segment, one of the new study’s authors, the geneticist at the Karolinska Institute, Zeberg, could find out if it was chromosome 3. I chose The segment is inherited from Neanderthals.
Thousands of years ago, modern human ancestors emerged from Africa and swept Europe, Asia and Australia. They meet Neanderthals After that, the genes of extinct species that had crossed and then went into the gene pool spread across generations.
Experts claimed that Neanderthal genes were found to be harmful to modern humans, making it difficult to have children. As a result, Neanderthal genes have become increasingly rare, some have already disappeared from the gene pool, while some have become very common in modern humans.
Zeberg and co-author of the new study, Paabo, are directors of the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and found that one-third of European women carry the neanderthal hormone receptor. abortion.
Zeberg knew that other Neanderthal genes common today help humans fight the virus. As modern humans traveled to Asia and Europe, Neanderthals encountered several viruses that had already evolved defenses.
However, Zeeberg examined chromosome 3 in an online database of Neanderthal genomes and found that the version that caused the risk of severe COVID-19 was the same as the version found in Neanderthals who lived in Croatia 50,000 years ago. I found that there is.
It is possible that the immune response that was working against the ancient virus was eventually overreacted SARS-CoV-2.. Zeberg, who is further studying COVID-19 patients with other researchers, may help explain why this 60,000-year journey of this chunk of DNA in humans today is so dangerous today. He said, “His history of evolution is a clue to us.”
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