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Patients and Careers Suffer When Doctors Burn Out

Patients and Careers Suffer When Doctors Burn Out


As the issue approaches a global crisis, it examines the intertwined impact of international research.

Burnout is bad for doctors’ career engagement and patient safety, according to a new study that looks at the effects together.

Physician burnout at work is approaching crisis levels globally, possibly the highest levels seen in the history of the health care system, he said. the study“Physician Burnout and its Association with Career Engagement and Quality of Patient Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,” This Month. BMJMore.

The researchers say it’s the first review to link physician burnout, career engagement, and quality of patient care.

The results were dismal, and the authors called for new interventions that included improving the organizational culture of healthcare.

Matthias Weigl, professor of patient safety at the University of Bonn, said: “The prevalence of physician burnout points to a defective working system caused by serious social problems and structural problems across the sector.” said. news release About the latest findings. Weigl also wrote an editorial on the results. “Urgent action is imperative for the safety of physicians, patients and health care systems, including evidence-based, systems-oriented interventions to design work environments that foster staff engagement and prevent burnout.


The researchers looked at 170 observational studies of 239,246 physicians, primarily in the United States and Europe, but also in other parts of the world. The authors advised caution when interpreting the data, as there were many variations in definitions and survey questions, as well as complex and interchangeable factors influencing patient safety incidents.

Among its findings, the study said of burnout physicians:

  • Up to 4x more likely to be dissatisfied with their job
  • 3x more likely to have thoughts or intentions of quitting a job or regretting career choices
  • Twice as likely to be involved in patient safety incidents and less professionalism
  • More than twice as likely to receive low satisfaction ratings from patients

Low job satisfaction was more common among physicians aged 31 to 50 years working in emergency medicine and intensive care, and patient safety incidents were more common among physicians aged 20 to 30 years working in these specialties. more likely to occur. Burnout was lowest among general practitioners, the study said.

“Healthcare organizations should implement evidence-based strategies to devote more time and effort to reducing physician burnout across specialties, especially emergency medicine and physicians in training or in training. should be invested in,” said the authors. The study recognized the financial and medical impact as “health systems around the world face a workforce crisis.”

“Our findings show that physician burnout can be a catalyst for physician career dropout, burnout is associated with unsafe patient care, and costs the healthcare system billions of dollars annually. “Physician burnout exacerbates the workforce crisis and undermines society’s fundamental need to receive safe care.”

The study was conducted again this month and documented the effects of physician burnout. exacerbated problem during the COVID-19 pandemic.of mayo clinic, health economics When doctor foundation All public data about the issue.




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