Weightlifting associated with reduced risk of early death
New research suggests that adding weightlifting to your exercise regime reduces your risk of early death, even in old age.
New research suggests that adding weightlifting to your exercise regime reduces your risk of early death, even in old age.
While it is well known that aerobic exercise such as running and cycling can help extend lifespan, less is known about the impact of weightlifting on lifespan. Now, new research suggests that adding weightlifting to your exercise regimen, even in old age, is a smart move if you want to avoid premature death.
of study, British Journal of Sports Medicineaimed to determine whether weight lifting, by itself or in combination with moderate-to-vigorous exercise, is associated with a reduced risk of death from any cause.
Moderate-intensity exercise is described as “activity that causes you to sweat lightly or raise your respiration and heart rate to moderately high levels,” while vigorous activity is “sufficient to break a sweat and increase your respiration and heart rate.” It was described as an extremely intense activity.” very high level.”
Researchers, led by a team at the National Cancer Institute in Rockville, Maryland, analyzed data on nearly 100,000 men and women from 10 US cancer centers. The average age of the participants she was 71 years old and the average body mass index was 27.8 (overweight). They followed this group for less than a decade and monitored death from any cause, including heart disease.
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About a quarter of people (23%) report lifting weights, and 16% do it regularly (1-6 times a week). About a third (32%) also did or did more than the recommended amount of aerobic exercise.
Weightlifting and aerobic exercise were independently associated with a reduced risk of premature death from any cause other than cancer.
Among adults who reported no aerobic exercise, weightlifting reduced the risk of early death by 9% to 22%, depending on how often they lifted. For someone who didn’t lift weights but did some level of cardio, this was him between 24% and 34%.
However, those who did both weightlifting and aerobic exercise had the lowest risk. For example, if he lifted weights once or twice a week and did at least the recommended amount of cardio, his risk of premature death decreased by 41% to 47%.
The study also found that women benefited from weightlifting more than men.
Description of findings
A possible explanation for these findings is that weight lifting may have similar beneficial effects to aerobic exercise. For example, by improving blood pressure and blood lipid (cholesterol and triglyceride) profiles , reduce risk factors for heart disease.
Other recent studies that combined studies on muscle building and health outcomes found similar results, but also found an overall reduction in cancer risk. Given that the subjects were part of a cancer screening program, they were targeting populations already at high risk of cancer, so no effects on cancer were seen. Combining exercise and strengthening activities was seen again.
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For example, measuring exercise by asking participants to recall how much they exercised over the past year is suitable for this type of large-scale observational study, but over- or under-reporting can affect findings. It could mean that there is a possibility. Studies using digital devices such as smartwatches to measure actual activity yield more accurate results.
The people who participated in this study were also recruited as part of a cancer screening trial, so this study will likely recruit people with health concerns. This means that the general population may have an even higher risk of early death associated with not exercising or lifting weights.
Results from this and other studies show that lifting weights, either alone or in conjunction with aerobic exercise, can help reduce the risk of early death. must be. It’s never too late to start and you may live healthier and longer as a result.
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