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Nifedipine may prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with severe preeclampsia

Nifedipine may prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with severe preeclampsia
Nifedipine may prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with severe preeclampsia


October 3, 2022

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Women with severe pre-eclampsia who took nifedipine once daily during and during labour, needed a fast-acting medication to control blood pressure during labor, according to a study published in . was less likely to. high blood pressure.

This can reduce the chance of complications for mother and newborn.

“When I started my training at Ohio State University in 2019, I noticed that some providers were starting to give their patients long-acting antihypertensives during labor induction. preeclampsia with serious features, Erin M. Cleary, MD, “With the goal of keeping blood pressure levels within safe limits during labour, the decision makes sense,” he told Healio, who was a maternal-fetal medicine fellow at Ohio State University in Columbus at the time of the study. However, there were no studies or data to support it, and my team decided to design a high-quality study (a triple-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial) to investigate this issue further. did.”

Participant selection, randomization

Cleary et al. reported singleton or twin pregnancies with severe preeclampsia who were induced between June 2020 and April 2022 between gestational age 22 weeks 0 days and gestational age 41 weeks 6 days. of 365 women were screened. Of these, 55 patients were randomized to oral nifedipine 30 mg every 24 hours and 55 patients were randomized to placebo every 24 hours.

The researchers noted which participants received at least one acute hypertensive treatment for a BP of at least 160/110 mmHg and lasted for at least 10 minutes. They also calculated the risk of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes and reviewed patient charts up to 6 weeks postpartum.

pregnancy outcome

Patients taking nifedipine were significantly less likely to require acute hypertension treatment compared with those taking placebo (34% vs 55.1%; RR = 0.62; 95% CI, 0.39-0.97) .

Analysis of maternal outcomes revealed a lower cesarean section rate in the nifedipine group compared to the placebo group, although the difference was not significant (20.8% vs 34.7%; RR = 0.6; 95% CI, 0.31-1.15). The incidence of hypotensive episodes did not differ between groups.

Infants born to patients taking nifedipine had lower rates of NICU admission compared with those born to patients taking placebo (29.1% vs 47.1%; RR = 0.62; 95% CI, 0.37-1.02).There was no difference in birth weight or body weight small for gestational age between groups. Composite neonatal outcomes, including 5-minute Apgar scores, hyperbilirubinemia requiring phototherapy, hypoglycemia requiring IV therapy, and supplemental oxygen therapy after 24 hours of age, did not differ between groups. did.

Erin M. Cleary, MD

Erin M. Cleary

“Obstetric providers are encouraged to consider starting long-acting Procardia (nifedipine, Pfizer) every 24 hours for severe pre-eclamptic patients undergoing labor induction. Other demographic information was similar to that registered for the patient: singleton or twin pregnancies, not yet taking this drug, and blood pressure >120/70 mm Hg.” said Cleary. “As long as the patient meets the criteria for pre-eclampsia with severe features, there is no need to wait until the patient requires one or more acute treatments before initiating long-acting procardia. “

In the future, Cleary is interested in determining “the optimal medications, doses, and frequencies to achieve the best results in individuals with various types of hypertensive disease undergoing labor induction and in the postpartum period.” showed.




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