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Dementia Diagnosis Increases Suicide Risk for People Under 65, Study Finds

Dementia Diagnosis Increases Suicide Risk for People Under 65, Study Finds



A new study shows that people diagnosed with dementia are more than twice as likely to commit suicide within the first three months of hearing the news.

The study, which followed nearly 600,000 Britons for 18 years, found that those who already had a mental illness or were under the age of 65 at diagnosis were at similar risk. The risk was highest in his first 3 months after learning the news for people under 65, and his suicide rate was 6.5 times higher.

“A diagnosis of dementia can be devastating, but the period immediately following diagnosis is often the time of greatest distress,” says clinical senior lecturer and Wolfson Populations at Queen Mary University. Principal study author Charles Marshall, Ph.D., emeritus consultant neurologist at the Institute for Health, said: of London.

“Getting an Alzheimer’s diagnosis at an early age is rare, unexpected and overwhelming. Beth Kalmeier, vice president of care and support for the Alzheimer’s Association, was not involved in the study.

“One of the most important things I can tell someone facing an Alzheimer’s diagnosis is that they are not alone and that support is available,” she said.

Previous studies have established a clear link between dementia and suicide. 2021 Survey by Yale University scientists. “Her adults over the age of 65 who were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease were twice as likely to die by suicide than older adults without dementia,” Kalmeier said.

Most cases of dementia are in the elderly, but chronic illness and behavioral choices may play a role, Kallmyer said. “Youth obesity, diabetes and sedentary lifestyles are on the rise, and these are risk factors for dementia,” she said. Said.

In new research, Published Monday in the journal JAMA Neurologythe actual number of people — 95 patients — Few people with dementia committed suicide. but, That didn’t detract from the study’s value of identifying the most vulnerable subgroups and 3-month timing.

Past research It also found a connection between people’s diagnosis of dementia and suicide. Diagnosed at an earlier ageThe new study couldn’t pinpoint why this would be the case, but Marshall pointed to interpersonal theories of suicide as a possible answer.

“Awareness of burden is a key pillar of suicidal behavior,” Marshall said. “That burden perception is likely to be higher in younger patients with dementia who are likely to be at a productive age at work as well as having family care responsibilities.”

The results of such studies suggest that physicians should perform a “robust risk assessment” of suicidal symptoms at the time of diagnosis, write Marshall and his co-authors in a new study.

“We know that early Alzheimer’s disease can lead to depression, anxiety and social isolation. These symptoms can be both causes and indicators of suicide risk,” Marshall said. said in an email.

Getting educated about dementia, especially early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, is an important first step toward supporting people with a young-onset diagnosis,” Kallmyer said.

Health and financial planning needs to be done early so that people with dementia can participate in the decisions, she suggested.

“If the person is still working, it is important to research employment benefits that can help them, and it is imperative that this is done before they leave the job. Employer benefits include: It may include short-term and long-term disability insurance, which can be very helpful when applying for Social Security disability,” Kallmyer said.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, the signs of depression and suicide are similar to those of dementia and can be very difficult for caregivers.

“Due to the complexity of diagnosing depression with dementia, it is advisable to consult a geriatric psychiatrist who specializes in recognizing, diagnosing and treating depression in older adults.” the association pointed out.

The US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Developed a set of resources for caregiversIf you or a loved one needs suicide or mental health-related crisis assistance, SAMHSA encourages calling or texting the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. again, Tools to find treatment and support providers.




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