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Long COVID may be linked to an entirely different common virus, new study finds

Long COVID may be linked to an entirely different common virus, new study finds
Long COVID may be linked to an entirely different common virus, new study finds


Aside from contracting COVID itself, many factors can increase someone’s risk of developing long-term COVID. included.

Researchers now believe that previous exposure to another coronavirus (the one that causes the common cold) may play a role in some patients.

new study In a paper by Harvard University-affiliated scientists published Sept. 26 on the Yale-affiliated preprint server medRxiv, the authors tested the blood of 43 patients who had arthritis or similar conditions before the pandemic. .

Such patients who later developed COVID showed evidence of overwhelming antibody responses to COVID and to OC43, one of several circulating coronaviruses that cause the common cold.

The authors theorize that patients likely had the common cold at some point in their lives before contracting COVID. When their bodies’ immune systems were exposed to his COVID-causing coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, they responded with his OC43 antibodies, which are similar but less than ideal. , led to chronic inflammation and other long his COVID symptoms.

Eric Topol, Ph.D., Professor of Molecular Medicine at Scripps Research and Founder and Director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, said the new findings are among “very interesting reports supporting the long-term COVID potential.” increase.

Researchers believe that previous infections with the Epstein-Barr virus, a type of herpes that can cause things, and other viruses may have contributed to the long-term development of COVID. , Topol tweeted on Sept. 26. The role played by the common cold.

Besides COVID, it is believed that there are multiple categories of long COVIDs, each possibly with different triggers. Prior infection with this common cold may play a role in arthritic patients with long-standing COVID, but not other categories of patients.

But for arthritis patients in particular, the findings could serve as a way to identify long-term COVID-19 and develop treatments for it, they added.

close to 20% of American adults infected with COVID—an estimated 50 million Americans— Data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau this summer reported that COVID symptoms lingered even after the infection cleared.

Long-term COVID is loosely defined as symptoms that persist or emerge for an extended period of time after the initial COVID infection is gone, but no consensus definition is yet widely accepted.

Many experts believe that long-lasting COVID, like chronic fatigue syndrome, that develops after COVID illness, as well as other post-viral syndromes that can occur after contracting herpes, Lyme disease, or even Ebola. I argue that it is best defined as a state. Other complications after COVIDthey say, should not be defined as long COVID like organ damage or post-intensive care syndrome.

coronaviruswas discovered in the 1960s, named for its crown-like appearance under the microscope. Four types, including OC43, are commonly circulating in humans and usually cause the common cold. There are three coronaviruses with more serious symptoms. MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) caused an epidemic in 2012. SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) caused an epidemic in the early 2000s. And COVID.




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