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Sore Throat Dominant COVID Symptoms: Report

Sore Throat Dominant COVID Symptoms: Report


4th October 2022 – Sore throat is becoming a major symptom of COVID-19 infection, while fever and loss of smell are becoming less common, according to recent reports in the UK.

This change can be a cause for concern for the fall. As the main symptoms of coronavirus change, people can spread the virus without realizing it.

“Many people still use government guidelines for symptoms, which are wrong,” said Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London. Said Independent.

Spector co-founded the COVID ZOE app, part of the world’s largest COVID-19 study. During the pandemic, researchers have used data from the app to track changes in symptoms.

“Right now, COVID starts in two-thirds of people with a sore throat,” he said. “Nowadays, fever and loss of smell are so rare that many older people may not think they have his COVID. I would say no.

COVID-19 infections in the UK increased by 14% at the end of September, according to the UK. to data UK Office for National Statistics. More than 1.1 million people tested positive in the week ending September 20, up from 927,000 the week before. The numbers continue to rise in England and Wales, with uncertain trends in Northern Ireland and Scotland.

Spector says autumn wave of infections likely arrived in UK Independent. Omicron variants continue to evolve, escaping immunity from previous infections and vaccinations, which he expects to continue through winter.

But as testing and surveillance for new strains has dwindled, public health experts have expressed concern about tracking trends in the latest strain and COVID-19.

Lawrence Young, professor of virology at the University of Warwick, said: Independent.

“People will get a variety of infections during the winter, but they won’t know what they are because free tests aren’t available. ‘That’s going to be a problem.'”

COVID-19 cases are also rising across Europe, potentially marking the first regional surge since the BA.5 wave. latest data From the European CDC. (In the past, increases in Europe have shown trends elsewhere.)

Data show that people over the age of 65 are the hardest hit, up 9% from the previous week. Hospitalizations are stable for now, but 14 out of 27 countries in the European region show an increasing trend.

“Changes in population mix after the summer holidays are likely to be a major factor in these increases, with no indication of changes in the distribution of circulating variants,” said the European CDC.

For now, most COVID-19 numbers are still declining in the US. Weekly CDC updates Published on Friday. About 47,000 cases are being reported each day, down 13% from the previous week. Hospitalizations he reduced by 7% and deaths by 6%.

At the same time, the positive test rate rose slightly last week, from 9.6% to 9.8%. Fifty-three percent of U.S. sites reported a decrease in virus levels, and 41% reported an increase last week, according to Wastewater Watch.

The CDC encouraged people to get their updated Omicron-targeted booster shots for the fall. About 7.5 million Americans have received the latest vaccine. Half of the eligible US population has not yet received a booster dose.

“The bivalent booster will help restore protection that may have diminished since the last dose. It will also further protect you and those around you against all strains of the Omicron subspecies. “The more people who have access to vaccination updates, the more likely we are to avoid a potential surge in COVID-19 illness later this fall and winter,” the CDC wrote. increase.”




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