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The flu could get even worse this season.this is the reason

The flu could get even worse this season.this is the reason


More than two-and-a-half years into the fight against COVID-19, officials are warning that we could see a rebound in our more traditional foe, the flu, this fall and winter.

flu is mostly dormant The development of the past two seasons is believed to be due to infection control protocols in place to ward off the coronavirus.

But as measures such as mandatory mask-wearing, physical distancing, and restrictions on business and social activities are set aside as the pandemic situation improves, California will be more active this year. We may be entering flu season.

“It’s not clear what this fall/winter will look like. But with fewer masks being worn and more of the mix, we’re likely to see a lot more flu than we’ve seen in the last two years.

This raises the possibility that some officials have warned before, which has yet to materialize in the United States. is distributed in level up at the same time.

“Both influenza and COVID can experience many infections at the same time,” he said, encouraging residents to get annual flu shots and Latest COVID-19 booster It is designed to protect against the recently circulating coronavirus strains.

In Australia, the winter peak in laboratory-confirmed flu cases reached levels not seen since at least 2017, according to data presented by Ferrer. In Australia, located in the southern hemisphere, autumn begins in March and winter begins in June.

“They’ve had a relatively severe flu season. [the variant] H3N2, that’s what’s in circulation here. Also, this year, earlier than usual, he started in late April, and then … there was a sharp increase in cases. The flu season also ended earlier than usual, and by the end of July the number of cases had dropped significantly,” said Ferrer.

According to the California Department of Public Health, flu activity typically begins to increase nationwide in late November or December. As a result, officials recommend that everyone aged 6 months or older get a flu shot this month, as it takes several weeks for the vaccine to reach full efficacy.

Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Francisco, suggests that eligible individuals should receive both the flu shot and the latest COVID-19 booster by October, or as soon as possible thereafter. I’m here.

“If you’ve been trick-or-treating on Halloween and haven’t gotten your flu shot or booster yet, maybe that’s when you really need to run and get it,” he said.

As with COVID-19, older people are at higher risk of becoming seriously ill from the flu. Also at risk are people with weakened immune systems, underlying medical conditions, or who need to be in contact with many people, especially in poorly ventilated settings.

“The flu shot keeps people out of hospitals and keeps our healthcare system open to help with other illnesses during the winter months,” California Public Health Director Dr. Thomas Aragon said in a statement. increase.

Residents can observe Book an appointment for a flu vaccine or find a walk-in clinic. Officials say you can receive both the flu vaccine and the latest COVID-19 booster during the same visit.

Given that low infection rates over the past few years have reduced opportunities for immunity beyond getting a flu shot, there may be a pool of people in the U.S. who are susceptible to flu this fall and winter. There is, said Ferrer.

Over 49% of Californians 6 months and older received the flu vaccine during the 2020-21 season. according to the estimate From the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Nationwide, there are an average of about 35,000 flu deaths each year.that is long distance From an estimated 12,000 deaths during the 2011–12 season to 61,000 deaths during the 2017–18 season.

The last two winters in LA County have been very quiet when it comes to flu. This is largely due to mandatory mask-wearing and a general atmosphere of vigilance amid a sharp seasonal spike in coronavirus cases and hospitalizations.

Once LA County Ends Universal Public Indoor Masks Commissioned in early Marchflu cases began to rise, peaking in May — unusually late for a normal season. At the height of the season, about 15% of respiratory specimens at the Los Angeles County Sentinel Surveillance Lab detected flu. Did.

Officials say the fall and winter seasons provide an opportunity for both the coronavirus and the flu to spread as people spend more time indoors as temperatures drop and days get shorter.

“From around Halloween to New Year’s Eve, family and friends tend to get together more often and travel farther afield to see each other for the holidays,” Ferrer says. “As a result, people spend more time socializing indoors, and respiratory viruses are more likely to accumulate and can easily jump from person to person, especially in poor ventilation.”

She added that increased holiday travel means that “respiratory viruses can travel longer distances and bounce around the country and around the world.”

Cooler weather also increases the virus’ ability to spread.

“In winter, the days get shorter and the air gets cooler, so there is less moisture on average, absolute humidity It tends to be low in the air,” says Ferrer. “Aerosolized droplets containing the virus tend to contain less water when the absolute humidity is lower. They are smaller, lighter, and able to travel greater distances.”

That means the colder the temperature, the longer the virus will survive in the air and be ready to infect more people. Colder air also tends to strain the respiratory system, resulting in less blood flow and less ability to clear invading viruses.

A recently published study examining weather and COVID case rates in 455 cities in most of 20 countries in 2020 found that “overall cold temperatures and low absolute It was found to be associated with an increase in




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