106-year-old Delhi man who was a Spanish cold child survives COVID-19: Tribune India
New Delhi, July 5
According to doctors, a 100-year-old man from Delhi, who was four years old during the 1918 Spanish flu, survived COVID-19 and recovered faster than his 70s son.
They said a 106-year-old resident of Old Delhi, whose name was private, was recently discharged from Rajiv Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital (RGSSH) after recovery.
According to the doctor, his wife, son, and another family infected with COVID-19 have recovered.
The man was taken to RGSSH, a dedicated COVID-19 facility for the city government in eastern Delhi in mid-April and was discharged in early May, said a senior doctor.
When asked about the details of his wife and other family members, the doctor simply stated: “A 106-year-old man and his son recovered in our hospital in our 70s, while the other two recovered in another COVID facility.”
Another senior doctor told PTI: “And not only did he recover from COVID-19, he also recovered faster than his very old son,” said the doctor.
The Spanish flu was a pandemic that struck the world 102 years ago, affecting almost a third of the world’s population at the time.
“The 1918 influenza outbreak was the most serious outbreak in recent history. It was caused by the H1N1 virus, which carries a gene of bird origin. According to the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), There was no consensus on where the virus originated, but it spread around the world between 1918 and 1919.
A family of 100-year-old men who did not want to be named said: “He defeated the coronavirus at age 106, and he was a child during a Spanish cold. He was a Corona warrior, I’m fine now.”
According to experts, the situation during the Spanish influenza flu pandemic was very similar to the current situation of COVID-19, where prescriptions on social distances, home orders and the use of masks were prescribed.
According to the CDC, it was first identified by military personnel in the spring of 1918 in the United States. It is estimated that about 6,75,000 people have died in the United States.
The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that a pandemic called the Spanish flu from 1918 to 1919 was particularly devastating, killing an estimated 40 million people worldwide.
In India, the disease is believed to have been brought by soldiers returning from the conflict in World War I.
The first cases of Spanish flu were reported in areas of major entry, such as Mumbai (then Bombay), Kolkata (Calcutta), Delhi and Chennai (Madras), with many returning from abroad.
Although the death toll from the Spanish flu in India is estimated to be almost one-fifth of all deaths in the world, India’s mortality statistics are too controversial.
The RGSSH doctor was surprised that the 100-year-old patient recovered from the new coronavirus, even though he was very vulnerable to infection.
“I don’t know if he was affected by the Spanish flu. As far as Delhi is concerned, I haven’t seen much material about the situation at the time, but at the time there were few hospitals. This 106 year old man survived. It was amazing to be motivated,” said a senior doctor who was monitoring his situation.
But more interesting is that he recovered faster than his son. So he experienced the Spanish flu and now survives COVID-19. Therefore, he said he survived two pandemics.
“RGSSH has treated more than 1,000 COVID-19 patients so far, and on Monday is an iconic event scheduled to be attended by Prime Minister Arvind Kejiwar, Deputy Prime Minister Manish Sisodia, and Minister Satiendaard Jain. Has reached a milestone in,” said hospital officials. ..
Delhi recorded 2,244 cases of fresh coronavirus on Sunday, reaching 99,444 cases in the city, but the number of deaths from the disease reached 3,067, officials said.
The current capital is the worst pandemic city in the world.
So far, 71,339 patients have recovered, discharged, or moved according to Sunday’s breaking news. PTI
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