Global burden of liver cancer could increase by more than 55% by 2040, analysis reveals
Primary liver cancer will be the top three leading causes of cancer deaths in 46 countries in 2020, increasing the number of people diagnosed with or dying from primary liver cancer each year, according to a new analysis. could increase by more than 55% by 2040.Efforts to control the disease prioritize new research in Journal of Hepatologypublished by Elsevier.
Liver cancer causes an enormous number of diseases worldwide each year. And it is largely preventable if control efforts are prioritized — major risk factors include hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, alcohol consumption, overweight, and metabolic status, including type 2 diabetes. included. ”
Isabelle Soerjomataram, MD, PhD, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC/WHO), Cancer Surveillance Branch, Lyon, France, senior author
“Given the availability of new and improved global cancer incidence and mortality estimates, we provide an updated assessment of the burden of liver cancer and a national liver cancer control We wanted to develop a tool that would be integral to planning,” explained Reid. Author Harriet Rumgay PhD Candidate, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC/WHO), Cancer Surveillance Unit, Lyon, France. “This analysis illustrates where liver cancer ranks among all cancer types in terms of cancer diagnoses and deaths in countries around the world. It also presents an estimate of the burden on
The researchers extracted data on primary liver cancer cases and deaths from the International Agency for Research on Cancer’s GLOBOCAN 2020 database. This database produces cancer incidence and mortality estimates for his 36 types of cancer in 185 countries worldwide. Projected changes in cancer cases or deaths to 2040 were estimated using population projections produced by the United Nations.
The results showed that in 2020, an estimated 905,700 people worldwide will be diagnosed with liver cancer and 830,200 people will die from liver cancer. These data show that liver cancer is now the top three leading causes of cancer death in 46 countries and the top five leading causes of cancer death in nearly 100 countries, including several high-income countries. ____ is inside.
Liver cancer incidence and mortality were highest in East Asia, North Africa, and Southeast Asia. The researchers predict that annual new cases and deaths from liver cancer will increase by more than 55% over the next 20 years, assuming current rates remain unchanged. The projected increase in the number of cases increases the need for resources to manage the care of patients with liver cancer.
The researchers were surprised to find that liver cancer cases and deaths continue to rise year after year. It warns that preventive measures should reduce liver cancer incidence and mortality by at least 3% per year.
These estimates provide a snapshot of the global burden of liver cancer and demonstrate the importance of improving and strengthening liver cancer prevention measures.
“We are at a turning point in liver cancer prevention as the success of efforts to control hepatitis B and C viruses will be reflected in the incidence of liver cancer in the coming decades,” said Soerjomataram. “These efforts need to be maintained and strengthened, especially given the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to certain hepatitis B and C virus control efforts,” Dr.
The authors urge public health authorities to increase the demand for resources to manage the care of patients with liver cancer across the cancer pathway, including improving access to palliative care due to the projected increase in liver cancer prevalence. It calls for strengthening preparations for the projected increase in Current liver cancer preventive measures such as hepatitis B virus vaccination, testing, and treatment. Population-scale testing and treatment of hepatitis C virus infection. reducing alcohol consumption in the population; curbing the rising prevalence of diabetes and obesity;
“If primary prevention does not significantly reduce the incidence of liver cancer, the annual number of people diagnosed with or dying from liver cancer could increase by nearly 500,000 by 2040. It is possible to do so,” concluded Dr. Soerjomataram.
Journal reference:
Ramgay, H. and others. (2022) Global burden of primary liver cancer in 2020 and projections to 2040. Journal of Hepatology.
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