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If you recently had COVID, should you wait to get a flu shot? Here’s what the experts say.

If you recently had COVID, should you wait to get a flu shot? Here’s what the experts say.
If you recently had COVID, should you wait to get a flu shot? Here’s what the experts say.


STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — If you recently tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19), you should observe a short waiting period before getting the flu vaccine, according to federal health experts.

Clinicians recommend influenza vaccination of symptomatic COVID-19 patients as these patients are no longer moderately or severely ill. Complete COVID-19 quarantine periodrecommended by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also said in its 2021-2022 guidance that patients should be deferred until: their quarantine period is overyou should alert your provider if you currently have symptoms of COVID-19, whether you have symptoms or not.

According to the CDC, the recommended quarantine period for people with COVID is currently five days starting from the first full day after testing positive, plus five days of mask wearing and social distancing.When symptoms occur without symptoms symptoms Within 10 days of the first test, the clock will restart at day 0 on the day symptoms first appeared. The NIH advises her COVID patients in healthcare settings can get the flu vaccine sooner.

Regulations are in place to protect providers, the NIH says on its website. CDC has further guidance on when that will be. A person with COVID can be around other people. Including vaccinations.

However, some vaccine providers, including CVS Pharmacy, are asking people who want the flu shot to wait 14 days after their last positive COVID test before booking their flu shot at a pharmacy. Walgreens does not mention COVID when registering for flu shots online. The same applies to Rite Aid.

real flu season

Medical experts are predicting a “true” flu season, much like we saw before the COVID-19 pandemic kept us indoors, wearing masks, and practicing social distancing. Encourage all Americans to get vaccinated against influenza.

Australia has just experienced its worst flu season in five years. What happens in the Southern Hemisphere winter often bodes well for what the United States can expect, so medical professionals are gearing up for this brutal flu season.

More infections are also expected as people have largely abandoned masking and social distancing precautions that also helped prevent the spread of other respiratory infections such as influenza in the early days of the pandemic. the doctor warns.

The United States expects to distribute 173-183 million doses of influenza vaccine this year.

The CDC recommends that everyone who qualifies should get the flu vaccine by the end of October, but also says the vaccine can be given at any time during flu season. It takes about two weeks for the flu vaccine to be effective.

Flu shots and COVID boosters

yes, Get your flu shot and the latest COVID-19 booster at the same time — One on each arm for pain relief.

All flu vaccines in the United States (including the type for people under 65) are “quadrivalent”. In other words, it protects against 4 different influenza strains.

People over the age of 65 whose immune systems do not respond as strongly to standard flu vaccinations are encouraged to obtain vaccines that offer additional protection.

You have three options. Fluzone high-dose quadrivalent vaccine When Flublok Quadrivalent Recombinant Influenza Vaccine Each contains high doses of the main anti-flu ingredients.Other options are Fluad Quadrivalent Adjuvant Influenza Vaccineare normal dosages, but contain special ingredients that help boost the immune response in people.

If none of the three flu vaccines prioritized for people 65 and older are available at the time of administration, people in this age group can instead get other age-appropriate flu vaccines, the CDC said. .

Young people also have options, including shots for those with egg allergies and a nasal spray version called FluMist.

According to the CDC, everyone over the age of 6 months should get the flu vaccine seasonally, with rare exceptions.Vaccination is especially important for people at high risk of severe illness Complications from influenza. full list People at high risk of developing flu-related complications Available on the CDC website.

reduce illness

Even if the flu cannot be prevented, vaccination can reduce flu illness, visits to clinics, flu-related absences from work and school, reduce symptoms, and reduce flu-related hospitalizations and deaths, the CDC said. I’m here.

Influenza vaccination is also recommended for pregnant women and those with certain chronic illnesses.

The nasal spray flu vaccine is approved for use between ages 2 and 49.Those who are pregnant or have certain medical conditions should not get nasal spray flu vaccine.

there is many vaccine options Choose from

For more information, please visit the CDC website. Who should and should not get the flu vaccine.




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