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Video games can cause fatal heart problems in some children

Video games can cause fatal heart problems in some children


Across the 22 cases the researchers found, multiplayer wargames were the most frequently triggered.

Across the 22 cases the researchers found, multiplayer wargames were the most frequently triggered.

Studies show that playing video games can lead to life-threatening arrhythmias in susceptible children whose predisposition was previously unrecognized.

of researchrecently published in the journal heart rhythmdocumenting an unusual but distinct pattern among children who lose consciousness while playing video games.

“Video games can be a serious risk for some children with arrhythmic conditions. For predisposed but previously unrecognized patients with arrhythmic conditions, video games can be fatal. There is,” said the study’s principal investigator, Claire M. Lawley of The Heart Center for Children, Australia.

“A child who suddenly loses consciousness while playing an electronic game should be evaluated by a heart specialist because it could be the first sign of a serious heart problem,” Laurie said.

The team reviewed the research literature and conducted international outreach activities at multiple sites to identify cases of children who suddenly lost consciousness while playing video games.

Across the 22 cases they found, multiplayer wargames were most frequently triggered.

Some children died following cardiac arrest, they said. According to researchers, subsequent diagnoses of several heart rhythm conditions put children at ongoing risk.

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Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) and congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS) types 1 and 2 were the most common underlying causes. Both conditions are characterized by abnormal heart rhythms.

The researchers noted a high incidence of potentially associated genetic mutations (63%) among patients, which has important implications for patient families.

In some cases, studies of children who lost consciousness while playing video games have diagnosed many families with significant familial heart rhythm problems.

“Families and medical teams should consider safety measures regarding electronic gaming for children at risk of unsafe heart rhythms,” said Lawley.

The researchers attributed the phenomenon to adrenergic stimulation of nerves in the body’s sympathetic nervous system, associated with the emotionally charged electronic gaming environment behind this phenomenon.

At the time of the heart attack, many of the patients were in a state of agitation, winning or losing a game, or fighting with their peers.

Study co-investigator Christian Turner said: “We already know that some children have heart conditions that may be at risk when playing competitive sports, but there are I was shocked to discover that there was a patient with life-threatening fainting in the hospital,” he added. Heart center for children.

“I used to think video games would be an alternative ‘safe activity’. This is a very important finding,” said Turner.

The researchers noted that we need to make sure everyone understands how important it is to check out when someone experiences a fainting episode in this situation.

The study notes that the phenomenon is not common, but is becoming more common. PTI SAR SAR




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