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Cell-free DNA circulating in the blood may signal early signs of dementia and frailty

Cell-free DNA circulating in the blood may signal early signs of dementia and frailty


In a long-term, prospective study of more than 600 older adults, researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine found that higher levels of cell-free DNA circulating in the blood were associated with early signs of frailty and dementia. There is evidence that there may be an increased risk of associated chronic inflammation, he said.

Findings will be announced on October 11th Alzheimer’s Journalcan advance the search for relatively simple blood tests that detect risk for Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of cognitive decline.

Circulating cell-free genomic DNA (ccf-gDNA) has long been identified as a product of natural cell death in the body. When a cell dies by apoptosis (programmed cell death), it shrinks, breaks down the plasma membrane, and finally ruptures, releasing its contents, including DNA fragments, into the body. These fragments eventually become free-range DNA in the bloodstream.

These ccf-gDNA fragments can trigger long-term chronic inflammatory responses previously associated with premature destruction and aging of tissues and organs, including the brain. is assumed to be As such, the body’s immune system is operating at a higher rate than it should. ”

Peter Abadir, MD, Associate Professor of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

For the new study, researchers tested the blood of 631 people with an average age of 79 who showed no cognitive impairment at the start of the study. Participants underwent physical and cognitive tests at the time of blood draw annually. The researchers found that higher levels of ccf-gDNA in the blood were associated with worsening cognitive decline and frailty over the eight-year study period.

Alzheimer’s disease affects an estimated 6.5 million people in the United States, with no known or effective treatment, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. But the potential for blood tests to identify those most at risk and those in the early stages could lead to support services and other interventions to plan, compensate, or delay the worsening of symptoms. .

“Our global population is aging rapidly. With so many advances to help us extend our lives, the goal now is to live healthier as we age.” , says Lolita Nidadavor, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor of geriatrics. She majored in gerontology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. β€œThe frequency of dementia and frailty is increasing,” she said. We may be able to identify it.”

In the future, researchers would like to learn more about the cellular origin of the ccf-gDNA fragment. If researchers can identify that many of these fragments originate from specific cell types, they hope to advance the search for drugs that target the aging and dementia processes.

Other scientists who contributed to this work are Danielle Feger, Yuqiong Wu, Alden Gross, Jeremy Walston and Esther Oh of Johns Hopkins, and David Bennett and Francine Grodstein of Rush University.


Journal reference:

Nidadavor, LS, and others. (2022) circulating cell-free genomic DNA is associated with increased risk of dementia and altered cognitive and physical function. Alzheimer’s Disease Journal.




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