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First suspected monkeypox case reported in Missoula County

First suspected monkeypox case reported in Missoula County


The first probable case of Missoula-monkeypox (MPX) virus has been reported in Missoula.

The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) and the Missoula Department of Public Health have confirmed a possible infection in an adult in Missoula County.

Health officials say they are working on contact tracing to identify anyone who may have been in close contact with the person.

of Montana’s first confirmed monkeypox case was in Flathead County August 4, 2022. Other counties in Montana have also confirmed cases of monkeypox. Including Lake County.

“MPX is still actively disseminated in the United States. The most at-risk individuals are encouraged to vaccinate, take precautions, and screen potential partners for symptoms.” .

Eligibility for the MPX vaccine can be found at the following URL: can screen for eligibility and schedule a vaccine appointment by calling 406-258-3896.

Monkeypox continues to spread across the United States, with 26,577 cases reported by the US Centers for Disease Control as of October 7.

Missoula Public Health provided the following information on monkeypox in a news release:

Symptoms of MPX include fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, swollen lymph nodes, chills, fatigue, and a pimple-like or blistering rash that appears on the face, mouth, and other parts of the body. The illness usually lasts 2 to 4 weeks and most people get better without treatment. Occasionally, MPX can cause scarring from ulcers, the development of secondary infections such as pneumonia, or other complications. The virus does not spread easily through casual contact, but can be transmitted through contact with infectious wounds or bodily fluids. Contaminated items such as clothing and bedding. or via respiratory droplets associated with prolonged face-to-face contact. Close-knit social networks are particularly affected, as MPX transmission requires close and long-term contact.

Individuals who think they may have been exposed to MPX or have a characteristic rash or other symptoms should contact their healthcare provider.There is no specific treatment for MPX. However, because the MPX virus and the smallpox virus are closely related, antiviral drugs (such as tecovirimat) and vaccines developed to prevent smallpox can be used to prevent and treat MPX virus infection. I can do it. The need for treatment depends on how severe the disease is and whether it is likely to become severe. DPHHS has pre-positioned supplies of Tecovarimat in the state for use as needed. CDC does not recommend widespread vaccination against MPX at this time.

Missoula Public Health and DPHHS will follow CDC’s immunization recommendations for MPX vaccination and extended criteria that may be recommended for the following individuals as of October 11, 2022:

Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP):

  • Adults over the age of 18* who have been in contact with an individual with confirmed orthopoxvirus/MPX virus infection.

Post-Exposure Prophylaxis++ (PEP++):

  • Adults 18 years of age or older* who have had multiple sexual partners in the past 14 days in areas where MPX is known.
  • This may include:
    • Known contacts identified by Public Health through case investigation, contact tracing, and risk exposure assessment
    • Know that one of your sexual partners in the last two weeks has been diagnosed with MPX.
    • Gay, bisexual, other men who have sex with men, and transgender people who have reported any of the following in the past two weeks:
      • Group sex or sex with multiple partners.
      • Sex in commercial sex establishments or related to events, venues, or defined geographic areas where MPX infections have been reported.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PREP):

  • Adults over the age of 18* who meet any of the following criteria:
    • Individuals who have recently had multiple or anonymous sexual partners; or
    • A partner of an individual who has multiple or anonymous sexual partners.Also
    • sex workers; also
    • Staff at facilities where sexual activity takes place (bathhouses, saunas, sex clubs, etc.).Also
    • Diagnosed with gonorrhea or early syphilis within the last 12 months; or
    • People experiencing homelessness due to high-risk behavior.Also
    • are receiving HIV preexposure prophylaxis; and
    • – Part of a high-risk cohort identified by the clinical staff of the correctional system.Also
    • Individuals determined to be at high risk based on an individual risk assessment.

NOTE: Subject to the criteria above, immunocompromised persons (e.g., progressive or uncontrolled HIV infection) or those with underlying medical conditions that increase the risk of serious disease (e.g., atopic dermatitis, eczema) , may be preferred for vaccination. .

  • Certain medical and public health response team members designated by public health authorities are vaccinated for preparatory purposes in accordance with ACIP guidance.

At this time, most clinicians and laboratory technicians in the United States who do not perform orthopoxgeneric testing to diagnose orthopoxviruses, including MPX virus, are not advised to receive MPX vaccine PrEP.

*For individuals under the age of 18, Jynneos may be administered as two 0.5 mL subcutaneous injections 28 days apart under the current EUA.




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