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World Arthritis Day: Joint pain is not the only side effect of arthritis

World Arthritis Day: Joint pain is not the only side effect of arthritis


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a chronic inflammatory disease, can affect more than joints. The disease usually causes swelling of the joints, which can lead to a variety of symptoms, including joint pain and stiffness. However, arthritis can affect more than your joints.

Dr Samir Rajadyaksha, Consultant Rheumatologist at Global Hospital Parel, Mumbai, said: The main symptoms are joint pain, swelling and stiffness. Apart from affecting joints, other organs may also be affected. “

Scroll down to find out all about the complications of rheumatoid arthritis and what you can do to fix them.

Organs Affected by Rheumatoid Arthritis

1. lungs

Experts say rheumatoid arthritis can affect the lungs and cause interstitial lung disease, which can present with chronic coughs and coughs. shortness of breath exercising. Studies have also shown that enteropulmonary disease is one of the major complications of RA.

Complications of arthritis
Effects of arthritis on your lungs. Image courtesy of Shutterstock

2. Eyes

If your eyes are often dry, it may be due to rheumatoid arthritis. Dr. Rajadhyaksha says, “It can affect the eyes causing dry eyes and eye irritation. It’s best to talk to your doctor about these symptoms and prescribe the appropriate medication.”

3. Skin

Did you know that rheumatoid arthritis can cause skin problems? the doctor skin rash Arm and leg ulcers are some of the most common symptoms in people with rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, RA can also affect the nervous system.

4. Heart

Rheumatoid arthritis patients are twice as likely to develop cardiovascular disease, which is also the most common cause of death in RA patients. According to Dr. Rajadhyaksha, long-standing untreated disease and inflammation play an important role in cardiovascular disease.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is paramount

Getting treatment for RA is essential, but screening and treatment for comorbid diabetes, hypertension, and elevated cholesterol levels are paramount. Dr. Rajadhyaksha explained that treatment for RA consists of analgesics, steroids and immunosuppressants.

“Monitoring the side effects of these drugs on organs is essential. Unmonitored use of pain relievers (known as NSAIDs) kidney problems and gastric ulcer. Long-term use of steroids can lead to osteoporosis, diabetes, and cataracts, so they should be used with caution at the lowest possible doses and for as short a time as possible. Immunosuppressants suppress immunity and increase susceptibility to infections such as pneumonia and urinary tract infections,” he stressed.

“Regular eye tests are recommended for drugs like hydroxychloroquine, and blood counts and liver tests for methotrexate should be checked regularly under the supervision of a rheumatologist. Screening for and treating depression is also important due to its chronic nature,” added Dr Rajadhyaksha.

What is the best way to manage rheumatoid arthritis? According to experts, early diagnosis and treatment with drugs known as DMARDs (disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs) as soon as the disease is recognized and diagnosed. It’s the best way.

Signs of rheumatoid arthritis
Effects of arthritis on the heart and other organs. Image credit: Shuttertsock

Lifestyle changes to reduce risk of arthritis complications

Options you can choose to reduce your risk include changing lifestyle factors. Here’s what you can do:

  • don’t smoke
  • check your weight
  • Try to exercise at least 5 days a week
  • eat a healthy and nutritious diet




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