Europe faces new wave of COVID-19, US likely next
Europe is already entering a new wave of COVID-19, according to a joint statement released Wednesday. World Health Organization and European Center for Disease Control.
“Unfortunately, in Europe, the indicators are rising again, suggesting that another wave of infections has started,” said Dr. Hans Kluge, WHO’s Regional Director for Europe and Andrea, Director of ECDC. Dr. Amon writes.
The number of weekly reported cases in Europe began to increase in September, according to the latest regional European data. WHO’s COVID-19 DashboardEurope recorded 1.14 million new cases in the week to 4 September, with weekly infections just above 1.79 million in the week to 2 October.
“It’s on the rise in most European countries, especially Germany and Italy,” Jennifer Lighter, Ph.D., a pediatric infectious disease specialist at NYU Langone, told TODAY. There is none. “We expect (COVID-19) to eventually follow a unique seasonal pattern with a spike in winter,” the writer added.
However, a new wave of COVID in Europe could foreshadow what will happen in the US
“It often starts in Europe and then comes to the United States, with other waves and bumps,” Reiter said, adding that this usually happens within two to three weeks.
In addition to cases, hospitalizations for COVID-19 have also increased in Europe in recent weeks, according to Dr. Albert Ko, an infectious disease specialist and professor of public health, epidemiology and medicine at the Yale School of Public Health. These hospitalizations are on the rise among the more vulnerable people over the age of 65, Koh added.
Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 variants still account for the majority of these cases, according to Reiter, although other variants such as BA2.75 occur worldwide, while BA2. 75 are more contagious and less responsive to antiviral drugs and vaccines. “We haven’t really seen the variant BA2.75 take hold yet,” he said.
“I believe this wave is driven by increased exposure and contact rates rather than the introduction of new variants,” said Ko. Ko noted that this was not unexpected. That’s because restrictions like masks and social distancing are being phased out, people are gathering more and traveling more, and kids are returning to school. I am trying to free myself from many things that have been given to me,” Ko said.
Low vaccination rates for COVID-19, especially among children, are also a problem, Ko added.
“Many of the factors contributing to this wave in Europe are also present here in the United States…so I am concerned that something like this may already be happening here.
Just three weeks ago, President Biden said the “pandemic is over” in the United States. TODAY previously reported.
“Emotionally, it feels like it’s over, but it’s not. There are 300 to 400 people dying every day in the United States. That’s a huge number and will continue to rise,” Lighter said. I’m here.
“The numbers here in the US show that we’re at the bottom of the curve…but that doesn’t mean contagion isn’t happening.
“The ‘pandemic phase’ in which our healthcare system has been overwhelmed — we are past it, but now we are in the endemic phase where this virus will continue to be with us….we remain vigilant It needs to be up,” Dr. William Schaffner, professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told TODAY.
Vaccination is especially important among vulnerable populations, experts say. “We have the tools to protect ourselves. We just need to make better use of those tools,” Reiter said, adding that only 67% of the population is fully vaccinated. I added that there are “Only one-third of those over the age of 50 have received their second booster, and only half of those over the age of five have received their first booster,” she said. added.
The dominant strains in fashion are still BA.4 and BA.5, so the updated boosters remain effective, the expert added. It’s an increase in variants that have vaccines that do,” the writer added.
An updated bivalent booster targeting the Omicron variant is now recommended for everyone ages 5 and older. CDC announced on October 12Earlier in the day, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Approved Pfizer-BioNTech Children’s Booster For ages 5 to 11, Moderna Booster is for children up to 6 years old.
It’s important to remember that even if these vaccines don’t significantly affect transmission, they can still prevent serious illness, complications, hospitalizations and death. This is especially important because it begins to cycle at .
The unprecedented surge in respiratory viruses such as RSV, enteroviruses and rhinoviruses has already overwhelmed children’s hospitals across the country. TODAY previously reported.
“We also anticipate a very active flu season, so we are concerned that this could become a pandemic. bipolar disorder It’s winter,” Schaffner said, adding that flu cases have already started to rise in the United States.
So now is the time to get a flu shot, experts say, and it’s recommended for everyone over the age of 6 months. Ideally, get your flu shot by the end of October, but it will still protect you if you get it later in the season. TODAY previously reported.
In addition to vaccination, experts stressed the importance of mitigation measures such as masks, social distancing and staying home when sick.
“Older people, those with underlying medical conditions (such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes) and those with weakened immune systems should continue to wear masks indoors and when going out in public,” Schaffner said. said Mr.
“A lot of people want to put COVID in their rearview mirror so to speak….we need to be very careful,” Schaffner said, noting that people with vulnerable family members and those at high risk Individuals taking care of themselves. You should also take special precautions.
“People are fed up with all these restrictions, so the key question is how many people are willing to act to protect themselves and protect others.
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