Reveille Archive presents well-known images of influenza | News
Looking back at the Reveille archives, the location of Cloverdale 102 years ago is depicted as the world was affected by the Spanish flu. Through historical papers, the timeline begins to surface-a surprisingly similar to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The current facility closures mean less access to newspaper archives, but to partially understand how Cloverdale was affected during the early 20th century flu epidemic, Cloverdale records I looked up a web-accessible copy of Vale.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, many of Reveille’s publicly accessible archives detail how Cloverdale was affected by the second wave of influenza. website, The flu started in September 1918. The influenza peaked between September and November, killing about 195,000 people in October alone.
In an article on October 25, 1918, Reveille staff at the time reported that there were no known cases of influenza in Cloverdale. However, the clover people were actively working to prevent the spread of the disease.
“Dr. WC Shipley says many people suffer from colds and other minor illnesses, but so far he has not found anyone suffering from the “flu.” Many citizens wear and wear masks, and on Wednesday morning school children wore them when they went to study everyday. The public has responded to complaints from health authorities and is taking precautions to prevent local epidemics,” the article said.
The same issue reported that the state’s public gatherings were “tabooed” because of the epidemic, resulting in postponement of the local Red Cross conference.
That same day-October 25th-probably after press time, a Cloverdale doctor reported nine cases of a Spanish cold. Statistics were reported in the newspaper the following week, but no more than nine additional cases were reported. For this reason, Shipley said he believed Cloverdale had reached its peak case load.
This article was the last to find out more about the city’s specific case numbers. However, Revale continued to report on flu mitigation measures in place at both city and county levels.
“This week, completely 90% of people wear gauze masks,” said the newspaper of November 1, 1918.
Local health authorities in 1918 warned that the disease could recur if the general public did not pay attention to the proposed preventative measures, due to their similarity to the COVID-19 pandemic.
At the county level, Leweil reported news that county health officials are promoting the use of mask wear and predicting how the outbreak will progress.
“He declares it’s his opinion that the epidemic has disappeared to some extent, but will definitely rekindle unless people take appropriate precautions and continue their precautions.” And the paper is Fred O., a county doctor.
By that time, Cloverdale’s own doctor, Shipley, had come in with a mild version of the flu and had been locked in his home. Shipley had the flu for three weeks.
By early November, both school and church services were shut down, fearing the spread of the flu. School resumed on November 25th, weeks later
On November 9, the Cloverdale Council (city council) passed an urgent ordinance stating that everyone must wear a mask during a flu epidemic.
On November 15, Reveille reported influenza-related deaths in a person who died of pneumonia after an attack with a Spanish cold.
On January 10, 1919, Leveil reported that his southern neighbor, Santa Rosa, was “actually a closed town until the pandemic was eradicated,” at the order of the city’s Department of Health.
The Santa Rosa Health Commission has ordered theaters, churches, parties, dances, social gatherings to be closed, salon hours to be limited, and funerals to be kept to a minimum.
In the February 14, 1919 issue, an available copy of Revale, which mentions the Spanish flu, states that the flu was the reason why the meeting was postponed.
Third wave of influenza in the spring of 1919. According to the CDC website, 101 deaths were reported in San Francisco in the first five days of January. The Reveille archives we have been able to access do not include the revival that could have occurred in Cloverdale in the spring of 1919, but other Sonoma County newspapers show that the flu epidemic continues. Is shown.
Sister reports
The then Sevastopol Times (now Leveil’s sister Sonoma West Times & News) reports that the school in Forestville has reopened after a month of forced vacation due to the flu.
A March report from the Sebastopol Times declared the epidemic over and detailed the resumption of various local groups and industries.
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