ICU at Toronto Hospital has no COVID-19 patients for the first time in months
The Toronto-Humber River Hospital celebrated its big victory on Friday and announced that it has zero COVID-19 patients for the first time since March in its intensive care unit.
“Wow! Today is the first day we have released #COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit since March 14th. To the staff on the 6th floor and the doctor who provided this pandemic with special care. Thank you. Today is the day to celebrate with #HRH,” the hospital posted on Twitter.
In an interview with CTV News Toronto, hospital physician and critical care expert Dr. Jamie Spiegelman explained how the staff reached the milestone.
At the beginning of the pandemic, Spiegelmann said everyone was stressed and afraid because there was so much unknown about the unknown coronavirus. Many were afraid to enter the hospital room.
“We didn’t know how contagious it was. We didn’t know if our PPE was enough to protect us,” he said.
“I was afraid to get a COVID from the patient in the first 2-4 weeks, late March and early April.”
But as doctors learn more about the virus and how to keep it from getting infected, Spiegelman says he’s becoming very accustomed to treating COVID-19 patients.
“Most of my days are spent at ICU. We have been relatively busy for the last 3-4 months,” he said.
“For both COVID and non-COVID patients, we were quite full during most of these months.”
When the pandemic reached its peak, Spiegelman said some patients needed to be sent to other hospitals with more capacity. He said that at some point, almost half of the ICU beds were COVID-19 patients.
But for the past few weeks, I realized that the ICU wasn’t too busy until Friday, when the ICU didn’t record a coronavirus case.
Spiegelman considered it a big win, but more importantly a small one. These include patients who survived COVID-19 and were discharged.
“Everyone is very happy that we don’t have to deal with COVID-19 patients and that we have returned to our normal routine,” he said.
“But at the same time, we’re taking every precaution because we don’t know when it will recur.”
Flatten the curve
Public health measures introduced by the government have been very helpful in stopping further expansion of COVID-19, Spiegelman said.
“Government-imposed precautions in society included physical distance, staying at home, washing hands, and wearing a mask, clearly working until the first steps of the pandemic really settle down. “
He continues to watch young COVID-19 patients come to the emergency room, but said they have not been admitted to the ICU.
on SundayHealth authorities in Ontario reported less than 200 new virus cases for the sixth consecutive day. State health ministers said the positive rate remained “the lowest ever.”
The state also said hospitalization continued to decline.
“What it showed was that flattening the curve worked really well,” Spiegelman said.
“If we didn’t take physical distance first, and if we didn’t wash our hands, and if we didn’t stay home from work, hospital resources, ICUs, wards would handle it. It wouldn’t have been possible. Many patients.”
Ready for the second wave
Doctors pointed out why hospital staff take a cautious approach, as there has never been a pandemic where there was no second wave.
The hospital is in the northwest of Toronto, 5 neighborhoods Has recorded more than 400 COVID-19 infections since the outbreak began
“I think what I learned from the first round is that I’m ready,” Spiegelman said. “We know what to expect and how to treat these patients.”
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