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Electronic games may cause heart disease in some children: study

Electronic games may cause heart disease in some children: study
Electronic games may cause heart disease in some children: study


Video games may not be a safe alternative to competitive or high-risk sports for children with or prone to arrhythmias.

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Playing video games can be life-threatening in children predisposed to cardiac arrhythmias, says a new international study.

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of studyA paper published in the journal Heart Rhythm documented a rare but distinct pattern among children who lost consciousness while playing electronic games, such as console or computer-based games and arcade games. I’m here.

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Of the 22 children who had heart attacks while playing video games, 7 had previously been diagnosed with heart disease, and 12 had heart disease later. The remaining three of her patients have not been diagnosed.

Of the 22 children, 6 had cardiac arrest. Four people died. Their ages ranged from he was 7 to he was 16.

The study began after a small, close-knit international community of experts in hereditary heart rhythm problems began noticing cases of patients having heart attacks while playing video games, the study said. said Shubhayan Sanatani, Ph.D., one of the authors and chief of cardiology. BC Children’s Hospital.

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An international study involving approximately 12 centers worldwide was initiated, and in addition to the cases from those centers, another 4 cases identified from a systematic literature review were extracted.

“While it is clear that this phenomenon is rare given the number of centers receiving cases around the world, it is clearly prevalent internationally and represents a significant problem for children with arrhythmias. may have,” said the study.

Sanathani cautioned against overinterpreting the findings given the small sample size.

“BI think this is an interesting signal.” So doctors should consider whether susceptible patients should be counseled about the stress that video games may present.

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Sanathani said he plans to discuss safety precautions regarding electronic games with patients and families.

According to the study, out of 13 cases in which researchers had information about the type of games being played during the heart attack, eight were playing war games.

Of the seven cases in which researchers knew the stage of play, six had the player just won or lost, and one was fighting a sibling over an electronic game controller at the time of the event.

The findings indicate that video games may not be a safe alternative to competitive or high-risk physical sports for children with heart disease, one expert said. I’m here.

“I used to think of video games as an alternative ‘safe activity’,” said study author Christian Turner of the Heart Center for Children in Sydney.

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“This is a really important finding. We need to make sure everyone understands how important it is to check out if someone has a fainting episode in a situation like this.”

[email protected]

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