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Experts on where flu cases are on the rise and when to get a flu shot

Experts on where flu cases are on the rise and when to get a flu shot
Experts on where flu cases are on the rise and when to get a flu shot


  • Health experts say this season’s flu is likely to be serious.
  • Texas, Georgia and Washington DC are currently experiencing high flu activity and are just at the beginning of the flu season.
  • The best way to avoid severe flu symptoms is to get a flu shot, but only half of Americans plan to get the vaccine.

Infectious disease experts expect this flu season to be tough.

The Southern Hemisphere has just finished its worst flu season in years, indicating that the Northern Hemisphere may soon be battling a serious flu season.

Texas, Georgia and Washington DC already see unusually high prices flu activity at this time.

Influenza A is responsible for the majority of flu cases this season H3N2previously associated strains severe flu season.

Influenza vaccination appears to be well-matched with circulating strains, but recent Investigation Nearly half of Americans don’t plan to get a flu shot this year.

Exactly what this means for this year’s flu season remains to be seen, but doctors suspect the country is ripe for an amazing resurgence of the flu.

Healthline asked four flu experts what to expect from the flu this season. Here’s what they said.

Dr. Michael ChangInfectious Disease Physician, Memorial Herman Health System, Houston, Texas

Dr. Susan Hasigan epidemiologist and professor in the Department of Epidemiology, Tulane University Faculty of Public Health

Dr. Erica Johnson, Infectious Diseases Physician, Chair Infectious Disease Committee of American College of Internal Medicine

Dr. Theodore StrangePrimary Care Physician and Chief of Medicine, Staten Island University Hospital

Dr. Chang: The number of outpatient visits for positive flu tests started rising a few weeks ago and has increased significantly over the past two weeks. In Texas, flu tends to start rising after the Thanksgiving holiday. That said, it’s too early to tell if the cases so far are more serious. This is amazing. Our community may be caught off-guard by the fact that many of those who plan to get vaccinated have not yet received their seasonal flu vaccine. Unfortunately, in many other parts of the country, flu cases can rise before people plan to vaccinate.

Doctor Strange: The influenza virus has been circulating across the United States for about a month. Both Texas and New York may have seen high flu activity from large population centers and large numbers of travelers. Having a large state with high activity already can portend a very active and contagious flu season.

Dr. Chang: While it is difficult to accurately predict each region of the country, it is reasonable to assume that when the cold weather sets in, we will see an increase in flu and other respiratory viruses. Everyone should be prepared to start a few weeks early.

Doctor Strange: The season usually begins in October, peaks and peaks from December to February, and slowly tapers off as winter ends and spring begins.

Dr. Johnson: This year’s flu vaccination mix includes protection against influenza A H3N2 strains, influenza A H1N1 strains, and two strains of influenza B. It occurred mainly in the United States during last year’s flu season.

Dr. Hassig: So far, current flu vaccinations appear to align well with the viruses circulating in the United States, but flu vaccination coverage is lower than we would have liked, especially among older populations. Vaccination is important this year because the dominant strains of influenza tend to cause more severe illness and have in the past been responsible for the higher mortality rates seen in some flu seasons. .

Dr. Hassig: During the winter months, it’s a bad season (with many serious illnesses) in the Southern Hemisphere, and what they experience is often a good predictor of what will happen in the United States.

Dr. Chang: The recent Southern Hemisphere flu looked like a “severe” flu season, with more cases than a few years ago. season seemed to be as good or slightly worse. We expect to see the same phenomenon here, especially since flu season starts early and many people have not yet been vaccinated.

Dr. Johnson: In the Southern Hemisphere, influenza transmission generally occurs from April to September, and this season saw more influenza activity in the Southern Hemisphere than in the previous two seasons. Therefore, it is reasonable to be concerned that flu activity may continue to increase in the United States this season.

Dr. Hassig: I am concerned that many Americans do not think about the threat that influenza may pose to America. There is a possibility.

Dr. Johnson: Without the flu vaccine, the person is at risk of becoming more seriously ill if infected with the flu virus. And more severe flu illness means more days lost from work or school, and more hospitalizations from flu complications.

Doctor Strange: If you are not vaccinated, you are more likely to spread the disease, become more severely ill, and even die from the flu.

Dr. Chang: Many individuals’ immunity to seasonal flu is weakened because there have not been two “normal” flu seasons. Exposure to the flu each season may help strengthen an individual’s immune response to the next season’s flu. There may be a higher rate of severe illness from influenza in unprotected individuals, which may be exacerbated by traditionally low influenza vaccination coverage.

Dr. Hassig: Coming out of a pandemic year with a range of precautions (masks, focus on hand hygiene, staying home when sick) significantly reduced natural interactions with influenza and Sars-CoV-2. We think these measures are currently largely absent, and coupled with the decline in regular health interactions, including routine immunizations for children and adults, could potentially lead to a bad season. There is also an increase in a wide range of respiratory diseases in general, and there is no reason to believe that influenza is no exception.

Doctor Strange: The best way to prevent and limit the effects of getting the flu is to get vaccinated now, wash your hands, and wear a mask if you are concerned in crowded areas with restricted airflow. Also, if you have flu-like symptoms, be smart and isolate yourself from especially high-risk people.

Dr. Johnson: The best way is to get the seasonal flu vaccine. These vaccines are now widely available. It may take up to two weeks after vaccination for the vaccine to be most effective. Also, since the influenza virus is already circulating, it is recommended that you get vaccinated as soon as possible.

Dr. Chang: We hope that a vaccine will prevent us from contracting the flu, but we also want to minimize the risk of serious illness and serious consequences.The flu vaccine is the best way to do that. Additionally, patients with underlying medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, or pulmonary disease such as asthma should ensure that their condition is well controlled and that care for other conditions is optimized. there is. Finally, if you’re sick or have symptoms, stay home to minimize the risk of passing your infection on to others, whether it’s the flu or anything else!




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