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Are your teens up late? Studies find that allergies and asthma are more common in late-onset adolescents


Published in ERJ Open Research Teenagers who tend to wake up all night, sleep early in the morning, and wake up later reveal that they are more likely to develop asthma and allergies.

Researchers in the study believe their findings influence the importance of adolescent sleep timing. In addition, it opens up new avenues of research into how sleep affects the respiratory health of teenagers.

According to Dr. Subhabrata Moitra, lead author of the Department of Pulmonary Medicine at the University of Alberta, the prevalence of asthma and allergic symptoms in children and adolescents are increasing worldwide. Known causes of increased cases include contamination and exposure to tobacco smoke.

In addition, the asthma system has long been known to be associated with the body clock in the body. However, their study would be the first to explore deeply how individual sleep preferences directly affect asthma risk in teenagers.

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Asthma and adolescence

According to a study published in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care MedicinePuberty is represented by accelerated changes in hormones, body, and behavior. Furthermore, these rapid changes may affect the natural course of asthma. It has long been believed that many children with asthma will grow beyond disease after the onset of puberty.

The survey enrolled 1,684 adolescents aged 13 to 14 in West Bengal, India. They also participated in a prevalence and risk factor (performance) study of adolescent asthma and allergy-related disorders.

Each participant was asked about symptoms of wheezing, asthma, or allergic rhinitis such as runny nose and sneezing. They were asked for a list of questions to help determine if they were “evening type,” “morning type,” or something in between.

In addition, they were asked specific questions such as what time in the evening or night they tend to feel tired, what time to choose to get up, and how tired they are when they wake up.

The authors of this study compared teenager symptoms with sleep preferences. We also took into account other factors known to affect asthma and allergies. For example, where the participants are and whether someone in the home is smoking.

In their findings, they found that having asthma was about three times higher in adolescents who prefer to sleep late than to sleep early. In addition, they also found that the risk of developing allergic rhinitis was twice as high in teenagers who slept later than in early sleepers.

Relationship between sleep, asthma, and allergies

Dr. Moitra says the findings suggest a link between favorable sleep time, asthma, and allergies in teens. I’m not sure if late night causes asthma, Melatonin, Sleep hormones are often out of sync at night. He adds that disruption of melatonin levels may cause an allergic reaction in teens.

Researchers have also added that exposure to light from mobile phones, tablets, and other devices can affect sleep time in children and teens. They suggest that encouraging them to put their device earlier reduces the risk of asthma and allergies.

The second phase of the performance study will take place from 2028 to 2017. The team wants to quantify the findings by making objective measurements of participant sleep time and lung function.

According to Professor Thierry Tolsters, chairman of the European Respiratory Society, there is a need to better understand why asthma and allergies are increasing in children and teens. He hopes there will soon be a way to reduce these conditions.

Also read: Recurrent negative thoughts can be the effects of sleep deprivation or late night sleep

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