Exercise has positive health effects on COVID-19 outcomes
New research published in pro swan found that exercise had a positive impact on the prognosis of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
The results show relatively high cure rates and morbidity and mortality associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in areas where regular exercise was prevalent before the pandemic. indicates low.
Regular physical activity is a proven means of boosting your immune system. Stronger immunity provides stronger protection and immune responses against invading pathogens, such as when fighting viral diseases. Additionally, regular exercise is an effective way to manage most chronic diseases and has beneficial effects on physical and mental health.
Exercise improves your nervous system, bones, muscles, cardiopulmonary and circulatory function, and cognitive performance, and reduces your risk of developing disease and premature death. Regular exercise should be a part of your daily routine for the prevention and treatment of obesity, type 2 diabetes (T2D), hypertension, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, metabolic and other chronic diseases such as cancer, depression and anxiety. recommended. It strengthens the immune system, boosts immune function, and reduces the likelihood, duration, and severity of infections.
In the current COVID-19 pandemic context, regular physical activity could possibly increase the immune system’s resistance to SARS-CoV-2.
Despite the high success rate of the COVID-19 vaccine in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection and reducing the risk of severe symptoms and critical conditions, the spread of the virus is far from eradicated. , which endow viral variants or novel variants of concern (VOCs) with higher transmission and immune evasion properties.
Many people are against the COVID-19 vaccine. Some of the reasons are that vaccination poses additional risks, including high mortality among older people. Other adverse effects of vaccines are acute symptoms after vaccination.inability to eradicate the pathogen and its spread; limited Effectiveness Associated with infections by new SARS-CoV-2 VOCs, such as the Omicron variant. Disparities in access to vaccines and limited coverage in certain regions of developing countries also contribute to low global vaccination coverage.
Strengthening the immune system could therefore be an important step towards mitigating the pandemic and reducing the rate of symptomatic disease among the population. Moreover, pharmacological interventions must be supplemented with non-pharmacological interventions to make the management of COVID-19 viable on a large scale and to resolve the global health infrastructure deficit experienced during the early pandemic phase. .
Additionally, it is essential to be aware of the benefits of physical activity in order to improve health and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
the study
This study investigated the impact of physical activity on public health. Morbidity, mortality, and cure rates serve as outcomes of health-related interest during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Here, we analyzed 279 county-level cities in China. The survey included cities in all provinces and most counties in mainland China. Locomotor panel data were collected between January and March 2020.
Using the ordinary least squares method, multiple linear regression was utilized to estimate body exertion (PEx) coefficients. Information on PEx was collected from three sources: the National Fitness Development Survey Bulletin, the National Fitness Report, and the National Fitness Action Program.
Survey results
Results showed that regular physical activity may improve cure rates for COVID-19. Robustness tests revealed that the regression coefficients of PEx for morbidity and mortality remained significantly negative, and the regression coefficients related to cure rate remained significantly positive.
The findings suggest that physical activity may provide more health benefits in places with high risk of COVID-19 than in places with low risk, in terms of cure rates, morbidity and mortality. suggests. On the other hand, multiple factors such as public health initiatives, vaccine availability and coverage, demographic characteristics, environmental variables, and medical resources influence COVID-19 outcomes.
The results of this study are consistent with previous findings that physical activity boosts immunity and improves health. In high-risk settings, PEx has a significant impact on morbidity, mortality, and cure rates. In terms of morbidity, the discriminatory advantage appears to be greatest.
The findings suggest that individuals who engaged in regular physical activity before the COVID-19 outbreak had a better disease prognosis and health-related outcomes, especially in areas where the outbreak occurred. was good. Regular exercise can therefore serve as an effective step in preventing future epidemics.
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