Scientists transplant human brain cells into rats to study mental disorders and brain development
Scientists at Stanford Medical School have successfully transplanted human brain cells into rat brains, where they grow and form connections, creating “hybrid circuits.” The experiment was intended to create a new method for studying psychiatric disorders and brain development. Growing and manipulating human brain tissue in rat brains will allow researchers to observe the effects on animal behavior, according to a press statement.
This “living laboratory” in the rat brain will allow researchers to perform experiments that are invasive, difficult, and sometimes impossible in humans, the researchers note.
“Without removing tissue from the human brain, we are now able to study not only healthy brain development, but brain disorders that are understood to be developmentally rooted, in greater detail than ever before. The platform could also be used to test new drugs and gene therapies for neuropsychiatric disorders.” Research published in journals Nature, in a press statement. Pasca is Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford Medical School.
In this study, we first transformed human skin cells into stem cells. Under laboratory conditions, stem cells were induced to differentiate into many different brain cell types, forming ‘organoids’ resembling the outermost layer of the brain, the cerebral cortex. This is also the most recently evolved part.
“We have been using organoids and their sophisticated combinations (called assembloids) to create ever more complex circuits within dishes. The neurons inside are still underdeveloped compared to those found in the naturally developing human brain,” Pasca added.
After spending two months in culture, these aggregates were transplanted into the brains of young 2–3-day-old rats. This age corresponds to childhood in humans. Using baby rats instead of adults was important because brain connections form early in development, making the brain less receptive to the formation of new connections.
Over the course of the study, this transplant was performed in over 100 rats, and the organoids were placed in the same location in each rat’s brain, allowing them to be easily monitored. began to move to Rat endothelial cells infiltrated brain implants and assembled blood vessels to supply nutrients and signaling substances to human cells. Or, as Paska explained, “they moved right away.”
Did it work?
With the transplants successful, the next step was to understand if these organoids could actually help find the cause of neuropsychiatric disorders in humans. We selected Timothy syndrome, a genetic disorder strongly associated with epilepsy. They created organoids from the skin cells of a patient with Timothy’s syndrome and transplanted them into one side of a rat’s brain.
Corresponding locations on the contralateral side were implanted with organoids created using cells from healthy individuals as controls. After 5-6 months, researchers were able to observe clear differences in electrical activity on both sides. Timothy syndrome neurons were much smaller and sprouted with far fewer dendrites or brush-like extensions that act as antennas for input from nearby regions.
“This is the most advanced human brain circuit ever constructed from human skin cells, and shows that transplanted human neurons can influence behavior in animals.” We hope that our platform will provide the first behavioral readout of human cells and accelerate our understanding of complex psychiatric conditions,” Pasca added.
Pasca made similar comparisons using cells from people with schizophrenia, autism, and other disorders, and hoped to better understand how such disorders affect the brain. I’m here.
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