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People who sleep less than 5 hours a night are at higher risk of facing multiple health problems as they age, study finds

People who sleep less than 5 hours a night are at higher risk of facing multiple health problems as they age, study finds


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People over the age of 50 who sleep five hours or less a night are at greater risk of developing multiple chronic diseases with age than those who sleep longer at night, according to a new large-scale study. There is evidence that it is high.

of studyA paper published Tuesday in the journal PLOS Medicine looked closely at a group of nearly 8,000 British civil servants who were 50 years old and had no chronic disease. Next her 25 years he is 4-5 years.

Among people who tracked their sleep at age 50, those who slept 5 hours or less per night had a 30% higher risk of developing multiple chronic diseases over time than those who slept 7 hours or more. rice field. At age 60, his risk increased by 32%, and at age 70, his risk increased by 40%.

Diseases at increased risk include diabetes, cancer, coronary heart disease, stroke, heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, depression, dementia, psychiatric disorders, Parkinson’s disease and arthritis. will be

other research showed adult who can’t get enough sleep – About 7-9 hours a night, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Increases your chances of developing chronic diseases, including obesity and high blood pressure.

Unlike other studies, The newer ones didn’t find health problems in people who slept more than nine hours, but few people in this study slept that much, which may have influenced the results. .

This study has some additional limitations. Most of the subjects were Caucasian males. Only about one-third were women. Researchers say civil servants also tend to be a little healthier than the general public. Also, the study relied on self-reported data, which is considered less reliable than participating in sleep studies where scientists can directly observe a person’s sleep state.

“Lack of sleep in middle and old age is associated with a higher risk of developing chronic and multiple diseases,” the study concludes. “These findings support the promotion of good sleep hygiene in both primary and secondary prevention by targeting the behavioral and environmental conditions that influence sleep duration and quality.”

Sharon Cobb, who worked on sleep studies It isn’t involved in the new research, but says it’s important because it provides more evidence that sleep and chronic disease are linked.

“I think for a long time we stressed that we need sleep. It’s also impacting more comorbidities,” said Associate Professor and Director of the Prelicensure Nursing Program at the Charles R. Drew College of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles. One Cobb said.

Cobb points out that duration is important for sleep, but it’s also important. quality – Factors not captured in this study. The study also didn’t explain the causes of chronic illness in people who slept less than five hours of hers.

Other studies have shown that sleep restorative Adam Knowlden, an associate professor of health sciences at the University of Alabama, wasn’t involved with the new study, but explains that he’s working on another large-scale sleep study.

Hormones regulate appetite, metabolism, libido, blood pressure and heart rate, body temperature, circadian rhythms, and more. When your body doesn’t produce enough hormones due to lack of sleep, it’s thought to lead to chronic health problems, in addition to fatigue, body aches, and blood pressure problems.

Studies show that sleep deprivation increase inflammation, the body’s natural defense against infection and injury. Temporary inflammation is protective, but chronic inflammation can lead to multiple diseases.

“Sleep has always been one of the biggest components of the equation for people to be healthy,” Knowlden said.

“Often people see the need for sleep as an inconvenience. But it’s actually the other way around,” he said. “Most of the studies show that getting enough sleep can actually improve your quality of life.”

Knowlden said he offers some advice when people say they have trouble sleeping.

First, establish a consistent sleep schedule. Training your body to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day will help you get a regular night’s rest.

bedroom it should be darkquiet and free, or pets that may interfere with sleep.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and large meals before bed. Exercise during the day can also help you sleep better at night.

“The more we can encourage people to have a better night’s rest, the better the results,” says Knowlden. “Sleep affects everything.”




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