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Experts warn that coronavirus could cause another 35,000 cancer deaths in the UK


Experts have warned that coronavirus pandemics could cause overkill from 35,000 cancers next year as a result of delays in diagnosis and treatment.

A study conducted by DATA-CAN, the Cancer Healthcare Research Hub (HDR UK), found that up to 2 million regular breast, bowel, and cervical cancer screenings could occur throughout the Covid-19 crisis. It may not have been done.

The researchers looked at data from eight hospital trusts in modeling outcomes, depending on how long the delay lasted.

Sharing the results with BBC Panorama, researchers warned that the worst-case scenario could increase cancer deaths by 35,000 by this time next year.

Professor Mark Lawler, DATA-CAN Scientific Leader, told the program:

Pandemic misses up to 2 million cancer screenings
(Image: Getty Images)

Peter Johnson, Director of Clinical Cancers at NHS England, said the organization is working to bring cancer services back to normal levels as quickly as possible.

He told the BBC Panorama Program: “We’re working as quickly as possible to rebuild the service, restore capacity, and actually build more, so that we can address people who have not been diagnosed during the diagnosis. Time running in less than %.

“I’m hoping that I’ll be back where I need it by the end of the year,” he said.

It comes as Boris Johnson’s government Prompted to prepare for the second wave of Coronavirus After it was accused of misstepping and not taking the first occurrence seriously.

Government warned to prepare for second wave
(Image: Getty Images)

Leading UK health professionals have written an open letter calling for an urgent review of whether the country is properly prepared for the “real risk” of another fight against Covid-19.

Previous modeling has suggested that a new peak may occur after Christmas, killing up to 60 people per day.

A letter published in the British Medical Journal warns the Minister that urgent action is needed to prevent further loss of life and protect the economy as the threat of a new winter epidemic increases.

The appeal is supported by the Royal Medical Association, surgeons, general practitioners, the president of the School of Nursing, and the President of the British Medical Association.

In an open letter to leaders of all British political parties published in the British Medical Journal, health leaders call for a “quick and positive assessment” of the state’s readiness in the event of a new flare-up. ..

They called for the establishment of a cross-party committee using a “constructive, non-partisan, four-country approach” to develop practical recommendations for action based on what they have learned so far.

The letter was sent by former scientific adviser Sir David King, who now heads an informal “Independent Sages” group, Sky news Lockdown mitigation is “very dangerous”.

He said that unlocking lockdown too quickly means “the risk of encountering a second wave is very high.”

“Before winter, we must aim to completely eliminate the virus in this country.”

The BBC Panorama “British Cancer Crisis” will be broadcast on BBC One at 7:30 pm Monday, July 6th.


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