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Sleeping less than 5 hours each night increases risk of chronic disease, study says

Sleeping less than 5 hours each night increases risk of chronic disease, study says



LONDON — Are you over 50 and getting less than 5 hours of sleep per night? Warn this could be a problem for your long-term health study Published this week.

European researchers have found that getting less than 5 hours of sleep each night may increase your risk of developing multiple chronic diseases such as heart disease, depression, cancer and diabetes.

Peer-reviewed study A study of nearly 8,000 UK civil servants aged 50, 60 and 70 over an average of 25 years found that ‘less sleep is associated with the development of chronic and multimorbidity’. I was. more chronic diseases at the same time.

The study, by researchers from University College London and University Paris Cité, was published Tuesday in PLOS Medicine.

At the age of 50, people who slept five hours or less were 30 percent more likely to be diagnosed with multiple chronic diseases than those who slept seven hours, according to epidemiology and the public. Lead author Severin Sabia, a hygiene researcher, said. Washington Post.

At age 60, people who slept five hours or less had a 32% higher risk than those who slept seven hours, and at age 70, the risk was 40% higher. she added.

People lose generosity when they get too little sleep, report suggests

“As we age, our sleep habits and sleep structure change. However, we recommend getting seven to eight hours of sleep per night.” statement.

“More than half of older people now have at least two chronic conditions. It’s been proven,” she said.

This study acknowledges some limitations. It relied on self-reported data on sleep, and the participants were all civil servants, mostly in London, with “a very small proportion of non-white participants,” he added.

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Regardless of your age, job, or background, sleep experts agree that getting the right amount of sleep is important, and that worrying too much about sleep can be counterproductive. increase.

“There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all sleep time,” says sleep consultant Neil Stanley. author of “how to sleep well‘” he told The Washington Post on Wednesday. “We should look for the right time for ourselves.”

Adequate sleep is essential for physical and mental health, and sleep needs are to some extent “genetically determined,” like your height and shoe size, Stanley said, helping you reach your goal number of hours. He called on people not to feel uneasy about doing it.

The quality of sleep is also important and our brain needs to enter a deep restorative phase of sleep. slow wave sleepAssists cognitive processes such as strengthening memory, problem solving, and removing toxins that contribute to Alzheimer’s and dementia.

An extra hour of sleep each night can help improve your diet

Sleep needs also vary with age. according to to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Babies under the age of 1 need her up to 16 hours a day, teens up to 10 hours, adults and seniors need her 7 or more hours of sleep.

Study author Sabia says that good sleep hygiene promotion A better night’s sleep. Such habits include keeping your bedroom quiet, dark, and at a comfortable temperature, removing electronic devices, and avoiding large meals before bed.

“Physical activity and light exposure during the day may also promote good sleep,” she added.

Why you have trouble falling asleep and tips to improve sleep

For those with insomnia or difficulty nodding, Stanley suggests not making things “too complicated.” Humans “have been falling asleep for millions of years. They didn’t need lotions, potions or self-help books to fall asleep,” he jokes.

Most people just need a quiet room and a “quiet mind” to sleep well, he added.

Professor of Circadian Neuroscience and author Russell Foster agrees that sleep is “very important” and urges concerned people to accept that sleep habits and duration vary “individually”. The acid test is how well we perform when we’re awake, he told The Post.

If you can function, solve problems, and introspect, you’re likely getting enough sleep, says Foster. If you’re impulsive, craving naps or caffeine, or notice changes in your behavior, these are common signs that you’re not getting enough sleep.

A “golden slumber number” may exist, but it is likely based on an individual and “changes with age,” he added.




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