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Updated Life’s Essential 8 Adds Sleep Metrics to Predict CVD Incidence

Updated Life’s Essential 8 Adds Sleep Metrics to Predict CVD Incidence
Updated Life’s Essential 8 Adds Sleep Metrics to Predict CVD Incidence


October 19, 2022

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Data show that incorporating sleep as a CV health index, as recently done in the American Heart Association’s updated Life’s Essential 8 Risk Calculator, may enhance primary and primary prevention efforts for CVD. I’m here.

“In our study, even the CV Health Score, which only includes hours of sleep, is the most widely measured aspect of sleep health, the most feasible measure to obtain in a clinic or public health setting, and the rate of CVD incidence. predicted.” Noor MacaremPhD, Masters, An assistant professor of epidemiology at the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health said in a press release: “In particular, we also found that the CV Health Score, which incorporates multiple aspects of sleep health, was also significantly associated with the incidence of cardiovascular disease. Rather than focusing strictly on sleep disorders, it emphasizes the importance of embracing a holistic vision of sleep health that includes sleep behaviors and the most common and mild sleep disorders.

sleeping woman
Incorporating sleep as a CV health index, as recently done in the American Heart Association’s updated Life’s Essential 8 Risk Calculator, may enhance primary and primary prevention efforts for CVD.
Source: Adobe Stock

Makarem and colleagues conducted a 1,920-person multiethnic atherosclerosis study (MESA ) analyzed data from sleep study participants. The average age of participants he was 70 years old. 54% were women. Researchers Life’s Simple 7 Score 4 iterations of the new CV health score. Score 1 includes sleep time only. A score of 2 included sleep characteristics associated with CVD in the literature, including insomnia, daytime sleepiness, and obstructive sleep apnea. Score 3 included sleep characteristics related to his CVD in the MESA study, such as sleep duration and efficiency. Score 4 included sleep regularity.

The survey results are Journal of the American Heart Association.

There were 95 CVD events and 93 CVDs during an average follow-up period of 4.4 years. Researchers found that participants in the highest and lowest tertiles of Life’s Simple 7 score and CV Health Score 1-4 had up to 80% lower prevalence of cardiovascular disease.

Life’s Simple 7 score, which does not include sleep as a health measure, was not significantly associated with CVD incidence (HR = 0.62; 95% CI, 0.37-1.04). However, compared with participants in the lowest tertile of CV Health Score 1, participants in the highest tertile had a 43% lower risk of developing CVD (HR = 0.57; 95% CI, 0.33- 0.97). For a CV health score of 4, the highest third of participants had a 47% lower risk of developing CVD compared with the lowest third of participants (HR = 0.53; 95% CI, 0.32-0.89).

Noor Macarem

“Healthcare providers should assess patients’ sleep patterns, discuss sleep-related issues, and educate patients about the importance of prioritizing sleep to promote cardiovascular health,” McArem said. “Furthermore, the formal integration of sleep health into CV’s health promotion guidance will provide a benchmark for surveillance, and the attention sleep is given to other lifestyle behaviors in public health policy.” Guaranteed to be resource equivalent.”

As Helio previously reported, an enhanced Life’s Essential 8 measurement tool — formerly known as Life’s Simple 7 — enables improved means to measure and monitor CV health to achieve greater health equity and now includes the entire life course. Metrics include health behaviors such as diet, physical activity, nicotine exposure, and sleep, and health factors such as weight, lipids, blood sugar, and blood pressure.




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