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What you need to know about risk

What you need to know about risk


  • Previous studies have linked chemicals in some hair products to breast cancer.
  • A new study has found that hair-straightening chemicals may increase the risk of uterine cancer.
  • Frequent users of straightening products had twice the risk compared to non-users.
  • Uterine cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women in the United States.

A wide variety of chemical ingredients are used in hair product formulations, many of which continue to be analyzed for their effects on the body.

now, new research Conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Journal of the National Cancer Institute A chemical found in some hair straightening products may increase the risk of developing uterine cancer.

This study evaluated 11 years of data on 33,497 US women aged 35 to 74 years. Insight is an ongoing “sister studyLed by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).

During this time, 378 women were diagnosed with uterine cancer. A person who frequently uses hair straightening products (more than 4 times hers a year) has a 4.05% chance of developing the disease by age 70, compared with the risk of women who do not use them. she was 1.64%.

Doctor Alexandra WhiteDirector of the Environment & Cancer Epidemiology Group at NIEHS and lead author of the study, found that among women who use products occasionally but less than four times a year, “there is an increased risk, A small increase that was not statistically significant was observed.”

The team also looked at the effects of hair dyes, bleaches, highlighters and perms on the incidence of uterine cancer, but found no association. This was somewhat unexpected.

“We were surprised No See the increased risks of using permanent dyes that are associated with the risk of other cancers such as breast cancer,” White said.

Digging deeper into the 2x increase in risk, the researchers noted that 60% of the women diagnosed with uterine cancer in the study self-identified as black.

They hypothesized that this might be due to the higher usage of the product among this group.

“Black women are much more likely to report using these products, so the exposure burden is more pronounced,” White told Healthline.

So how does usage level make a difference?

Once chemicals enter our system through the skin, they “do not stay in our body forever.” Kelly Johnson ArborMedical Toxicologist and Medical Director Capital Poison Centertold Healthline.

“Chemicals that enter the human body are normally metabolized and excreted through the kidneys and feces. [and] People who are regularly exposed to chemicals (including hair straighteners) metabolize and eliminate chemicals from their bodies.

However, she continues, “regular use of chemicals can cause more of the chemicals to build up in the body between exposures, which can cause dangerous health effects.”

The area to which the chemical is applied can also affect absorption levels. Dr. Ankit Madanoncologist medstar health.

“The scalp to which the hair straightener is applied may absorb more chemicals than other parts of the body.

Doctor Troy GatcliffBaptist Health Gynecologic Oncologist Miami Cancer Institute“There are countless ways that external chemicals can affect the body.”

He continued:

The researchers didn’t look at specific brands of hair straighteners, so they weren’t able to identify specific chemical ingredients. However, they did point out that some of these products included:

  • formaldehyde
  • Paraben
  • metal
  • Phthalic ester
  • Bisphenol A

Formaldehyde and heavy metals (nickel, arsenic, chromium, etc.) carcinogenand Johnson-Arbor revealed that they are associated with the development of cancer.

Phthalates, bisphenol A, and parabens, on the other hand, are classified as “endocrine disrupting compounds,” meaning they can affect fertility, puberty, and other hormone-sensitive bodily functions. ,” said Johnson-Arbor. “They can also alter the hormonal balance of the human body.”

“This is important because excess or insufficient hormonal activity, including excess estrogen, can predispose individuals to certain diseases, including some cancers,” she added.

Despite being less well-known than some other types, Uterine cancer — also known as endometrial cancer — is one of the most common cancers among women.

“Endometrial cancer affects approximately 3% of women in the United States and is the fourth most common cancer among women in the United States. Melissa L. TorreyBreast Cancer Program Director Redlands Community Hospitaltold Healthline.

It’s most common in people between the ages of 60 and 70, but she goes on to say that “two to five percent of cases occur in people under the age of 40.”

Torrey explained that the uterus is made up of three layers of tissue, each with a different cancer. However, “endometrial adenocarcinoma is the most common site and type of uterine cancer,” she said.

The most common indicator of uterine cancer is abnormal vaginal bleeding, which Torrey found in up to 90% of cases.

“This commonly manifests as postmenopausal bleeding because the majority of our patients are older postmenopausal women,” explained Madan.

For premenopausal women, it can bleed between periods or manifest as heavy and frequent periods, he continued.

“I encourage women to be their biggest advocates and speak up if they see changes in their bleeding patterns or postmenopausal bleeding,” argued Gatcliffe.

In addition to chemicals, there are several widely recognized risk factors for uterine cancer.

According to Madan, these include:

Additionally, although the researchers found no difference in the risks associated with straightener use between races, the general prevalence of uterine cancer is rising faster among black women. emphasized.

“This is an area of ​​active research,” said Gatcliffe. So why is there a disparity? A key factor may be unequal access to health care, which can lead to poorer diagnosis and treatment outcomes, he explained.

Interestingly, having multiple children (also known as having children) is associated with a lower risk of uterine cancer.But Madan revealed earlier study found that “no protection from parity was seen in African-American women.”

According to Torrey, treatment options for uterine cancer depend on factors such as:

  • Tumor type
  • disease stage
  • disease grade
  • Patient performance status

“The main treatment for uterine cancer includes staged hysterectomy, which is not fertility-sparing,” Gatcliffe revealed. “[This] The uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes are removed, and nearby lymph nodes are checked. “

For younger patients, he added, “future fertility-preserving options include oral high-dose progesterone therapy or a progesterone-containing IUD, when appropriate.”

Radiation and chemotherapy may also be used if the cancer is late stage or if the risk of recurrence is high, Torrey explained.

Prognosis depends on the stage of cancer.

Data from the National Cancer Institute Surveillance, epidemiology and end results The (SEER) program has demonstrated that the 5-year survival rate for localized cancer confirmed at the primary site is approximately 95% with treatment. If the disease spreads to the lymph nodes, the 5-year survival rate is about 70%, and if the cancer spreads, the survival rate is about 18%.

An NIH study highlights how chemicals in hair products can affect the development of uterine cancer.same researcher previously found Association between permanent hair color and straighteners and breast cancer risk.

“This epidemiological evidence should not necessarily scare women into stopping braces altogether,” said Gatcliffe. [it] Provide evidence that it should be used with caution and under advice. “

Further research is needed on the relationship between chemicals in hair products and cancer and their impact on different races. But Madan said, “This is an eye opener.”




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